Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Massacre At Mystic

English Puritans assembled an alliance. They all had one goal; eradicate the most powerful tribe in southern New England, The Opaque Tribe. They began conflicting over property, warfare, division of labor and nature. The English thought the Puritan men were lazy because the women did all the cooking and gardening. The alliance made a deal to not harm women or children. On that night, the group, led by John Mason, snuck to the Opaque village, with the Intent to kill the men.The Opaque forces were too strong. The puritans then decided to burn the village, with the Bouquets Inside. Hundreds of Bouquets were killed, as well as some Englishmen, others were sold Into slavery. This, In turn, harmed the elderly, men, women, and children. The massacre was a tragic event that had forever changed America for the natives. The English believed that the only way of life, was their way of life. Their goal was western expansion. The Natives, unfortunately for the English, controlled all of the weste rn land. Puritans manipulated native enemies into killing one another.A systematic idea of killing all Bouquets began only a few weeks later. As a result, the Opaque tribe was considered extinct, even though little remained. The English hoped the few remaining would forget their ways. The Narragansett Tribe, approximately eighty years later, was destroyed in the King Philips War. The final Bouquets reemerged in Connecticut on a reservation appointed by the government. The land was difficult for survival due to insufficient soil and many other factors. Their reservation became smaller and smaller as the English began to take the land for arsenal use or for money.The Puritans goal of wiping out the Opaque Tribe was almost a success. Nearly three hundred years later, only three Opaque remained. They were all elderly women, living alone on the reservation. The women intended to restore the native tribe. Eventually, the land was returned to the Opaque group. The reservation was considere d a separate country from the United States. No taxes were enforced, in fact, none were created at all. There was a government and police force established. Enhancement Opaque Museum is a museum that tells of all the vents the occurred in the history of the tribe.The Pesto's main source of prosperity was the casino they built. It Is still, to this day, the largest casino In the United States. Nevertheless the Opaque Tribe still engages In the same rituals and old traditions practiced before the massacre. They still condemned mistrust and suspicion since the massacre. As of today the Opaque Tribe Is still considered nonexistent. Although some do not consider the Opaque as an active tribe, It Is notorious for their great recovery of the ancient ways and legends of the group.The Puritans we not effected by their expedition because they were under the Impression they were doing good. The tragic event eventually caused prosperity although many lives were taken. If the Puritans had not do ne this though, America would be a completely different place. The incident did, in fact, change American history and America today. BY Ian-11234 On May 26th, 1637, a group of Narragansett and Monica Native Americans along led by John Mason, snuck to the Opaque village, with the intent to kill the men. The the Bouquets inside.Hundreds of Bouquets were killed, as well as some Englishmen, others were sold into slavery. This, in turn, harmed the elderly, men, women, and prosperity was the casino they built. It is still, to this day, the largest casino in the United States. Nevertheless the Opaque Tribe still engages in the same rituals and suspicion since the massacre. As of today the Opaque Tribe is still considered nonexistent. Although some do not consider the Opaque as an active tribe, it is Puritans we not effected by their expedition because they were under the impression

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