Monday, July 22, 2019
Tribal Warfare Essay Example for Free
Tribal Warfare Essay Addressing the threats of tribal warfare and proposing alternatives for resolving such issue were given by Neuhauser in his article. In the summary, Neuhauser elaborated on the issue and definition of tribal warfare. Moreover, he pointed out the positive and negative effects of having tribes in the work environment. The author exposed the issue of tribal warfare with regard to its origin and linked it to how it generates conflict among members of the workforce. With that argument in place, Neuhauser pointed out on the different points in determining the presence of tribal warfare in a workforce.  After giving out possible scenarios for the occurrence of conflict between co-workers, Neuhauser indicated the need for addressing tribal warfare by explaining possible alternatives and solutions in resolving the issue among co-workers and groups. Furthermore, Neuhauser pointed out the important traits and strategies needed by a manager to overcome and bridge the gap caused by tribal warfare; migrating and tribal management skills.            In reaction to the article made by Neuhauser, the paper sees that the author made a good summary of the issue of tribal warfare. The issues were clearly pointed out and elaborated for the readers to have a clear idea of the whole picture. Another thing that was good about the summary is Neuhauser gave certain examples by showing a diagram of how tribal warfare can be existent in certain work industries. In this light, I will have to agree to what the author says that managers should address this issue primarily because if unattended, it will be the company who would suffer losses. Moreover, in response to the points given to address the problem of tribal warfare, the paper sees that Neuhauser limited his scope on the ways managers can effectively solve the issue. The author just pointed out certain distinct traits that a manager should posses to resolve such issue. It would have been better if the author elaborated on these concepts a little bit more so that readers might get important points regarding the issue. On a high note, the methods and skills given by the author was sufficient enough for readers to comprehend and understand the ways of tackling tribal warfare.            After giving a brief summary and personal response to the article, the paper will now elaborate on the ways of tackling the issue of tribal warfare. This next section seeks to explain further a concept that the paper sees is vital for a positive interaction between tribes and prevent the escalation of conflict between these groups. The concept that the paper will choose and elaborate is the creation of a team-based organization.             The activity of a group of people working cooperatively to achieve shared goals via differentiation of roles and using elaborate systems of communication is basic to our species. (Blackwell Publishing, p.1) With this thing in mind, the idea of creating an organization based on teams is important in a workforce. Firstly, the paper will justify why such concept is important. This form of collaboration is vital to solving complex problems fast, gaining commitment to change, and tapping the full reservoir of latent energy and ideas possessed by most organizations. (Hastings, p.1) Moreover, â€Å"Organizations worldwide are using teams as a business strategy to increase quality and customer service, improve productivity, and decrease costs.†(Kricher, p.1) Thus, the overall objective of this concept is to promote teamwork among the workforce and groups to facilitate a better outcome for companies. Also, in addressing the issues of tribal warfare, applying this concept means that the manager must be able to link each team/tribes that work independently on specific tasks to harmoniously coexist together to achieve the goals set by the company.            With the justification of the use of a team-based organization, the issue now at hand is how must the leader act in accordance to this concept and what particular methods must he/she establish to attain such endeavors. â€Å"The leader of the change process will have to manage and tolerate the conflict, resistance and pain associated with the introduction of such a major change within the organization.†(Blackwell Publishing, p.6) In terms of addressing tribal warfare, the managers must use their necessary skills to influence groups to collaborate. â€Å"As a manager, your job is to reduce your organization’s tribal warfare primarily by building communication bridges between the tribes.†(Neuhauser, 1988, p.5) The next section elaborates on these methods and techniques that a manager can use to promoting a team-based organization.            An initiative that can be made on the part of the manager is setting an organizational support for teams. â€Å"One important factor in building high-performance teams is the level of support for a team-based approach that exists throughout the organizationâ€â€starting with senior managers.†(Kricher, p.1) In this process, proper and constant communication is vital among workers and managers to facilitate a more progressive work. Thus, teamwork is vital in this process as each members of the group must interact to know what processes need to be done and accomplished.  Furthermore, a manager must be efficient enough to create methods for employees to understand and be incorporated to the actual working process. â€Å"In addition, senior managers need to model the values of teamwork and empowerment, because others in the organization will be looking to see if they â€Å"walk the talk.††(Kricher, p.1) This method prevents the concept of tribal warfare because it prevents the catalyst of the escalation of this conflict; lack of communication. With managers currently updated to the current events surrounding the team, issues that may cause tribal warfare with other teams can be prevented or negotiated.            The next method that can be implemented is narrowing or focusing the processes that each team should do. â€Å"In order for teams to succeed, the organization’s structure and people must be oriented to support core business processes.†(Kricher, p.2) This means that manager must be capable enough to create teams that cater to the process that defines what the company stands for.  â€Å"Success is more likely when teams include people with multiple skills who share responsibility for all or at least a significant portion of the overall business process.†(Kricher p.2) Moreover, the manager must be able to address the idea on keeping the business process as each ones focus rather than prioritizing on the interests of the group. Having this in mindset, tribal warfare can be prevented among groups. Mainly because each one will be focused on the business process rather than their each individual’s group process which may lead to conflict.            Another important method to look into is the clarification of roles by each group. â€Å"Clarity begins with making sure that every team member understands the purpose of the team and how that purpose fits in with the overall organizational vision and objectives.†(Kricher, p.2) The failure of a manager to clarify each team’s roles may lead to problematic consequences. â€Å"When roles and responsibilities of team members and managers are unclear, confusion and discouragement often follow.†(Kricher p.2) Thus, it is very important for a manager to inform their team what roles and objectives one plays in the overall business process.  â€Å"The best team-based organizations determine a â€Å"how far/how fast†plan that specifies which responsibilities will be assumed by teams and at what pace.†(Kricher, p.2) Tribal warfare can also be prevented by applying effectively this method. When managers get the roles of groups straight, there will be no pin-pointing of failure to get the job completed because each groups are given the roles and objectives to fulfill and prevent conflict. Moreover, since roles are clear for each group, passing around jobs to other groups which impede efficiency and effectiveness at work will be prevented.            Next thing that the manager should do is enforce innovations among members of the group to promote continuous learning. A commitment to being a â€Å"learning organization† where continuous learning and skill development are expected and encouragedâ€â€is critical.†(Kricher, p.3) Managers should be aware that skills need to be improved so that the group will grow and progress to address the current demands in the company. With regards to the issue of tribal warfare â€Å"if several members’ tribes migrate and works together to figure out how to implement a new idea, the possible advantages of a tribal system are often accomplished.†(Neuhauser, 1988 p.7)            Having elaborated on the four methods, the next section of the paper seeks to address certain strategies that can make a manager’s team successful. Moreover, the paper will also link these strategies on how it can prevent the existence of tribal warfare.            The first strategy is having an efficient communication to achieve business objectives. â€Å"By effectively communicating a clear and compelling business case for teams, organizations mobilize support for teams from every level in the organization.†(Kricher, p.4) Lastly is creating quick and effective solutions for the team if ever they encounter conflict. â€Å"When teams have already been implemented and an intervention is announced to increase their effectiveness, that intervention should also be implemented as quickly as possible.†(Kricher, p.4) In terms of tribal warfare, these strategies can also help prevent and at the same time solve the issue. Having an efficient communication among each members of the group is vital in preventing tribal warfare. This strategy can help each members of the group to harmoniously work together to achieve the business objectives set by the company. Furthermore, coexistence among groups striving to achieve goals will create an environment suitable for every party with one aim in mind. On the other hand, the latter mentioned strategy is also an important element in addressing tribal warfare. Imposing immediate and effective solutions to the problem can help prevent the workforce from losing its focus on objectives that need to be accomplished.            To conclude, the paper showcased the ways of addressing the negative implications of tribal warfare with the concept of creating team-based organizations. The paper elaborated on the different methods and strategies a manager can implement to further improve the members of the workforce. As a manager, tribal warfare must never be taken for granted since it creates a barrier among the groups who should work harmoniously and collaboratively to address the needs of the company; growth and devekopment References Blackwell Publishing. Introduction to team-based organizations. Retrieved September 22, 2007 from Hastings, C. Creating a team-based organization. Retrieved September 22, 2007 from Kricher, L.D. Best Practices of Term-Based Organizations in Development Dimensions International. Retrieved September 22, 2007 from Neuhauser, P. (1988). Tribes Still Flourish: Tribal Warfare in Organizations (USA:            Soundview Executive Book Summaries)
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