Friday, January 31, 2020
Domestic Manners Essay Example for Free
Domestic Manners Essay A very interesting and attention-grabbing book â€Å"Domestic Manners of the Americans†by Fanny Trollope can not leave even one indifferent. It reveals new and unexpected facts and startling specifics of American nature that gives a new glance over American people. Though this is not-to-the-minute book it may be found rather relevant today. It may be read for unlimited times and every time it for sure to gave some new ideas about American character and temperament, it offers better understanding and suggests reasonable explanation to deeds and behavior of American nation. Many subjects and events from American life are touched upon in numerous chapters of this book, mocking main traits of inhabitants of the United States. Sometimes with ridiculous seriousness author describes occurrences and things she fad the chance to experience or see. For example I’d like to touch upon the chapter 20, where the author focused her attention on the state of Washington. Not even the minute fact out of the reach of the satiric eye of writer, nevertheless everything described was described with much dignity. First of all the author tries to disperse reader’s attention depicting the brilliancy of nature and luminosity of American cities. But as for their inhabitants she is not so admirable, the writer see them as real gentlemen (for too few ladies are in the streets) occupied by strolling and looking well. â€Å"Instead of drays you see handsome carriages; and instead of the busy bustling hustle of men, shuffling on to a sale of dry goods or prime broad stuffs, you see very well-dressed personages lounging leisurely up and down Pennsylvania Avenue†. And at first, it is nothing to do with accusation. â€Å"The total absence of all sights, sounds, or smells of commerce, adds greatly to the charm†. But their favorite recreation of all these gentleman (â€Å"†¦ who must be presumed to be the elite of the entire body of citizens, both in respect to talent and education, it cannot fail to make Washington a more agreeable abode than any other city in the Union†), this amusement is gambling, that is really carried to a very considerable extent, however here as elsewhere within the country it is kept exceptionally out of sight. In spite any failings on good American people we can witness the fertility of their mind and the patent office is a curious record of it. But unfortunately about one in a thousand inventions had been really brought into use. â€Å"The purity of the American character, formed and founded on the purity of the American government, was made evident by the display of all the offerings of esteem and regard which had been presented by various sovereigns to the different American ministers who had been sent to their courts†. Well, every nation has to possess anything to be proud of. And along with this proud the writer points that not once heard the statements which represent Americans as â€Å"treacherous and false almost beyond belief in their intercourse with the unhappy Indians†. Though we do not have enough evidence for such declarations but it is â€Å"impossible for any mind of common honesty not to be revolted by the contradictions in their principles and practice†. A little bit confirmation to the last statement we may find in author’s words â€Å"Americans stand against the governments of Europe, because they favor the powerful and oppress the weak. At the same time getting forget about their attitude to the Indians. American people are fighters for universe freedom and democracy, you may hear it discussed in every drawing-room, roared out in taverns and even from the pulpit, â€Å"listen to it, and then look at them at home; you will see them with one hand hoisting the cap of liberty, and with the other flogging their slaves†. Again we may trace the inconsistency of their nature â€Å"you will see them one hour lecturing their mob on the indefeasible rights of man, and the next driving from their homes the children of the soil, whom they have bound themselves to protect by the most solemn treaties†. More useful and couching facts the author received visiting American debates. â€Å"The privilege of attending these debates would be more valuable could the speakers be better heard from the gallery†. It was mortifying to see marvelous hall â€Å"fitted up in so stately and sumptuous a manner†that was filled with men who were sitting in the most inappropriate manner, a large majority of them with their hats on, and nearly all of them were spitting to an excess that decorum and decency forbids one to describe it. Though there were still left few among the crowd that were distinguished by not wearing their hats and â€Å"by sitting on their chairs like other human beings, without throwing their legs above their heads†. Orators’ eloquence extremely amused the writer and was admitted to be the hoarse like and it required literacy. In fact â€Å"if America, in her vastness, her immense natural resources, and her remote grandeur, would be less Imitative, she would be infinitely more picturesque†. The lack of decorum wasn’t very uncommon with American ladies. It wasn’t very abnormal at Washington for a lady to take the arm of a gentleman, who was neither her husband, her father, nor her brother. All this freedoms so unusual for any decent society seem to disdain restraints of civilized world. For example visiting American theatre the author saw â€Å"one man in the pit was seized with a violent fit of vomiting, which appeared not in the least to annoy or surprise his neighbors†. What to say about strict manners in the street. One more curious and somehow annoying universal habit of chewing tobacco of almost all male population of this country gives this remarkable peculiarity to the American countenance. As a result we perceive for how veiled and obscure the nature of a nation can be. We may also claim that numerous appalling and sometimes even shocking traits are still can be vividly marked out while speaking with modern American people. It’s amazing how much in common true Americans have with their described ancestors. The little lesson from all this that one can not judge a foreigner at once, it would be better to throw a glance at the history of his nation.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Media, Sports, Athletes, and the Health of Children Essay examples --
"Image is nothing, thirst is everything." This is a slogan used by the soft drink Sprite. It tells a consumer not to buy a product because of the labeling, packaging, or the way it is presented, but to instead buy it because it tastes good. This seems to be an honest and open statement, not what you would expect to hear in an advertisement. Ironically though, just before this slogan flashes on the screen, Kobe Bryant and Grant Hill, two of the NBA's rising starts, are shown talking about how wonderful Sprite is. This slogan contradicts what the rest of the advertisement says, and it contradicts what the advertisement industry tries to do in general. The use of sports icons in advertisements for the food industry, especially those directed towards children, is far from uncommon. Children are led to believe that the health and abilities of the superstars in the commercials will be transferred to them if they use a certain product. This is detrimental to children. Commercials advertising food can be seen on television all the time. The advertising industry is always trying to make one food look better than another does. Often, using professional athlete endorsements does this. At any given time there is at least two professional sports season in session. By using current stars and heroes from those sports to promote their foods, companies try to increase their sales. In the Sprite commercial, Bryant and Hill drink Sprite both on and off the court. After drinking the Sprite, they get a burst of energy, and are able to blow by the opponent and score. A child who is watching television will recognize the two athletes, and tend to watch the rest of the commercial. After seeing how well... ... bad. "Milk Mustache" advertisements are one exapmle of how rpofessional athletes use their influence upon children in a positive way. Milk is an important part of our diet. The milk mustache really catches the eye, and makes the viewer pay attention. This kind of advertisement is beneficial to the children that see it. It promotes a drink that is an integral part of growing children as well as athletes. Unfortunately, the majority of commercials involving athletes are of the latter kind. Children look up to the superstars of today's sports world. They are the children's heroes. What is presented to the viewer in commercials, is misleading. Sports stars need to be more concious of what they are endorsing. To be an athlete, healthy eating is a must. The advertisements and professional athletes today, do not promote or support this. Media, Sports, Athletes, and the Health of Children Essay examples -- "Image is nothing, thirst is everything." This is a slogan used by the soft drink Sprite. It tells a consumer not to buy a product because of the labeling, packaging, or the way it is presented, but to instead buy it because it tastes good. This seems to be an honest and open statement, not what you would expect to hear in an advertisement. Ironically though, just before this slogan flashes on the screen, Kobe Bryant and Grant Hill, two of the NBA's rising starts, are shown talking about how wonderful Sprite is. This slogan contradicts what the rest of the advertisement says, and it contradicts what the advertisement industry tries to do in general. The use of sports icons in advertisements for the food industry, especially those directed towards children, is far from uncommon. Children are led to believe that the health and abilities of the superstars in the commercials will be transferred to them if they use a certain product. This is detrimental to children. Commercials advertising food can be seen on television all the time. The advertising industry is always trying to make one food look better than another does. Often, using professional athlete endorsements does this. At any given time there is at least two professional sports season in session. By using current stars and heroes from those sports to promote their foods, companies try to increase their sales. In the Sprite commercial, Bryant and Hill drink Sprite both on and off the court. After drinking the Sprite, they get a burst of energy, and are able to blow by the opponent and score. A child who is watching television will recognize the two athletes, and tend to watch the rest of the commercial. After seeing how well... ... bad. "Milk Mustache" advertisements are one exapmle of how rpofessional athletes use their influence upon children in a positive way. Milk is an important part of our diet. The milk mustache really catches the eye, and makes the viewer pay attention. This kind of advertisement is beneficial to the children that see it. It promotes a drink that is an integral part of growing children as well as athletes. Unfortunately, the majority of commercials involving athletes are of the latter kind. Children look up to the superstars of today's sports world. They are the children's heroes. What is presented to the viewer in commercials, is misleading. Sports stars need to be more concious of what they are endorsing. To be an athlete, healthy eating is a must. The advertisements and professional athletes today, do not promote or support this.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Difference between a School and University Essay
There are many inevitable changes and transformations that a person can experience all throughout his/her life. Having a really good education is one of the greatest gifts that parents can give to their children. Moreover, entering a university is already an opportunity these days. In my case, I have given the chance to enter a university that helped me practiced my academic freedom and at the same, understanding my needs. There are many differences that occur during a high school education and a college education. I came from a private high school that mostly speaks Spanish. All of my classes are in Spanish and majority of the students came from the same culture. There is almost no diversity in terms of people, culture and language. But more than that, a very distinct rule that was implemented in our high school is regarding the grading system. Teachers and parents have a very strong relationship that is why, they were able to control over school time and the way classes should be handled and if a student misses on any of her assignments, she can easily have a make up exam. Since the school was private, there was an air of exclusivity amongst the school grounds and it was regarded dearly. When I entered the university, there were many changes that took place. It was very shocking at first but I have to cope up with it. First of all, the university that I attended to was public and all the classes were taught in English. Moreover, in high school, the student body does not partake in more important matters about the school whereas in college, the student body does not take part in school matters but it is also highly respected. And since it is a public university, it was filled with different people from various cultures and places. Another difference that I experienced in college is the fact that parents do not have a strong authority over the school so they are not involved in the management of classes and time. Because of this situation, they cannot just access the grades of the students and if they want to, they still have to ask permission from the student. Lastly, missed exams are hard to get so you really have to manage your time and study very hard. Along with the decision to go into a public university are the transformations and changes that I was obliged to adapt to. In high school, I was highly dependent on my parents for my primary needs but since stepping into college, I was made to watch over me. I am no longer dependent on my parents for my needs; I should now work for them. But the real challenge that I faced was handling my time between being a wife and a mother and being a student. It is a very time consuming and tiring responsibility but I am happy to say that I am handling it very well. The changes and challenges that I faced from high school through college is one of the most memorable experiences in my entire life. Admittedly, it was really shocking at first but I learned to cope up with it. The fact that I am now in an environment that is filled with very different people means that I should learn to have a hard face in dealing with their moods and personalities. Moreover, since I am now a family person, the biggest challenge that life posted on me was how to balance my time so that I will excel in both aspects. With this realization in mind, I learned to manage my time very well and at the same time, keeping track of my family. I learned to become a different woman. I discovered new talents and potentials that I never thought I had. Going to college opened my eyes to different views and opportunities in life. More than that, I consider this to be a great achievement because there are only few people who can excel in academics and at the same time, a full woman.
Monday, January 6, 2020
George Washington - Important Person in History - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 966 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/07/08 Category People Essay Level High school Tags: George Washington Essay Did you like this example? All the pressure was on him to lead the army that could be the biggest impact on the independence of the country. Washington was born on his fathers Pope Creek tobacco farm on February 22, 1732 (George Washington Birthplace National Monument 1). Parents were Mary Ball Washington and Augustine Washington (George Washington Birthplace National Monument 1). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "George Washington Important Person in History" essay for you Create order And he would later on marry Widow Martha Washington and have no kids (George Washington Birthplace National Monument 1). George Washington is an important person in history because of his early military background, his role as a leader of the continental army during the revolution, and his ability to win over the new people after the war. Washingtons early military benefited him a great deal. When Washington was a young adult he obtained an experience of the military in the French and Indian war (American Revolutionary War Facts General George Washington Facts). George fought with British opposing the French. During this time he developed his leadership skills that would come in handy in the Revolutionary War (American Revolutionary War Facts General George Washington Facts). George Washington surrendered for the first time and only time ever in one of the the battles at the beginning of the French and Indian war The Battle of Great Meadows(American Revolutionary War Facts General George Washington Facts). Later on George Washington applied for royal commision and didnt receive the authority, that would allow him permission to be an officer for the British Army (American Revolutionary War Facts General George Washington Facts). He ended up being a volunteer during the French and Indian war and whenever Washington was denied permission to be an officer he didnt feel like he sided with the British (American Revolutionary War Facts General George Washington Facts). The way Washington lead in the French and Indian war benefited him for the Revolution war and would help him become a founding father in the future (Ten Facts About George Washington and the French Indian War). The result of Washington doing so well in the French and Indian War chose to be a leader in the Continental Army. The Continental Army was constructed by the Continental Congress and had choose George Washington to be the Commander-in-chief and the General on June 14, 1775. Washingtons army started off the war very successful because they had been pushing the British out of Boston but their success streak would shortly come to an end. General Washington and his army would be kicked out of their relocated spot New York which couldve ended the war but when Washington was so skilled him and his army could escape (American Revolutionary War Facts General George Washington Facts). In the winter of 1777, Washington and his soldiers stayed at Valley Forge in North Philadelphia Pennsylvania. During this time they were there they were getting trained and bettering their fighting skills but because it was winter time a lot of the soldiers died (thousands) the leading cause was disease (American Revolutionary War Facts General George Washington Facts). Washington and his army got help from the French Army and they had trapped the British seaside of Yorktown Virginia (American Revolutionary War Facts General George Washington Facts). The british army had no way way to escape so they had to surrender to Washington and would end the fighting of the American Revolution in October 19, 1791 (American Revolutionary War Facts General George Washington Facts). This lead George Washington to win over the new American people after the war. As everyone thought Washington was elected as president of the Constitutional Convention where they address the problems of the weak central government that existed under the Articles of Confederation (Lucille 78). Subsequently after the nine states had endorsed the Constitution, Congress was able to confirm a date for the election of the President and for the new reformed government (Lucille 80). And after the War it was apparent that Washington was going to be undivided choice of electors for the new leading role as President (Lucille 80). When Washington was President he was able to acknowledge the abilities of the intelligent young men that came to him like Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, and Lafayette (Lucille 115). George Washington advanced to the General to every single one of the branches of the Army of the United States and it is the top of the Army in the US over 175 years after his death in 1996. For this reason he will be always be remembered in history for being able to w in over the people so easily. George Washington is an important person in history because of his early military background, his role as a leader of the continental army during the revolution, and his ability to win over the new people after the war. Washington had gained military experience by being in the French and Indian War. He was chosen to be the General of the Continental Army and the army he led experienced success for sometime and then they trained and got better and eventually won the war due to Washington guidance. George Washington was able to unanimously be voted president to the new reformed government after the War. George Washington was one of the most important people in American history. Citation Mount Vernon Ladies Association . Ten Facts About George Washington and the French Indian War. George Washingtons Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon Ladies Association, 2018, American Revolutionary War Facts General George Washington Facts. American Revolutionary War Facts, George Washington Birthplace National Monument . Virginia is for Lovers, Virginia Tourisim Coroporation, 2018, Falkof, Lucille. Retirement and Recall. Presidents of the United States George Washington 1st President of the United States, Garrett Educational Corporation, 1989, p. 78-80. Falkof, Lucille. A Final Peace. Presidents of the United States George Washington 1st President of the United States, Garrett Educational Corporation, 1989, p. 115.
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