Wednesday, October 30, 2019
International Financial Reporting Standards Assignment - 1
International Financial Reporting Standards - Assignment Example More than 100 countries have formally accepted IFRS as the standards for preparing financial statements and to become compatible with each other. IFRS are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), a private sector international body. In fact, IASB itself is a new body, which emerged on the international scene in the year 2001, by replacing the International Accounting Standard Committee (IASC). With the increasing acceptance of these standards around the world, it appears all the more necessary for multinational enterprises (MNE) and countries with a global presence, that they should adopt the IFRS in order to make their functioning more acceptable in these areas. This will not only help the MNEs to save on their resources, but it will also help them in making use of similar modular and portable systems for accounting. There are many countries where the IFRS are not yet in use, but even in such countries, IFRS inspired standards are now being used. This helps in making the fullest use of the globalization and liberalization practices. Therefore it is in the interest of US companies that they should adopt the IFRS in all sincerity and make the best use of the available opportunities. In fact, adopting uniform standards will also help in tracking financial irregularities and thinking of appropriate solutions. Key benefits of going for IFRS include; i. Streamlining of reporting of the financial health of the company ii. Cost reduction - as companies will be able to make standard packages iii. Consistency in operations and financial details iv. Comparison with international competitors becomes easier. v. Better opportunities for accessing capital marketsÂ
Monday, October 28, 2019
Time for a Change Essay Example for Free
Time for a Change Essay Part of running a major business involves periodically examining what’s working and what can get better (Hogg, 2010). As everyone knows, just as every other company needs to work to remain relevant, we have to keep up with our primary competitors including Allstate, Farmers, Geico and Progressive. We need to do work better to perform processes uniformly across the state and the only way to do so is go from four regional offices in California, to one regional office. We first will need to create a transition committee that will have supervisors from each offices, section and division managers as well communication with other zones that have gone through similar transitional change. With this transition, we will also need to take into consideration how much this will cost the company and also how much will be saved as a result in the conclusion of the process. Which office will be the first to close, which will come second which will close last and finally which will remain open? There will also need to be a plan for the increase of work load when we close the offices and how we will keep the work load down and manageable by adding specialty teams that focus on certain areas of the work instead of handling it all. Additionally, we will also need to review how this will affect the potential impacted communities, and how we will handle the internal and external communication plans. When creating a transitional committee we need to select the right members for this committee. We understand that some may not be making the move but their assistants will be beneficial to everyone. Within this committee we need to select who will handle what roles each person will be in charge of. We will have groups in charge of different areas. Such as people count, communication, timelines, training and expenses. For the people count, this group will be in charge of finding out how many people will be moving and how many will be leaving. With this information they ill be required to determine the amount of new associates that need to be hired and how many hiring waves. The group that will handle communication will be the ones who will communicate to associates the time line of transition as well as information on the specialty teams that will be formed. This group of individuals will be required to travel to all offices to a job fair for associates so that they can see how their department is changing and what the new roles will look like. It will give them an opportunity to find out if they would be interested in a certain specialty team. For the training group, their job is to determine how many trainers will be needed and if temporary trainers will need to be pulled to help train new associates as well as set up refresher courses for existing associates. The expense committee will not only be covering the transition expenses, but also travel expenses and hiring expenses. Why is it necessary to transition from 4 regional offices to one? First, with the recent move of our payment plan department and our Life/Health department to other states all four regional offices now have less than 60 percent occupancy. One of our offices is even at 40 percent and the building itself needs some costly upgrades to minimally keep it as a viable work location. Another reason why we need to close these offices is due to the fact that each office seems to do work their own way in lieu of processing work items in the same manner as intended and designed by the corporate office. By combining everything into one singular location, we can ensure that processing consistency is achieved while also aiming to treat every policyholder in the state exactly the same way with consistent high quality service. Doing so would enable our Zone to achieve and retain the Remarkable expectations set forth by policyholders. Another reason why it would be highly beneficial to transition from 4 regional offices to 1 is the day to day expense. The current cost per average month to simply cover electrical utility expenses is one hundred thousand dollars in a single office with gas expenses around fifteen thousand and forty thousand in public water fees. Since we are not a company regulated by stakeholders but a company literally managed by our policyholders also referred to as a mutual company, it is our policyholders who are paying for all the utilities on 4 offices that are not being used at full capacity. In transitioning to a single office we will be saving our policyholders an estimated 5. 6 million ollars annually which can be reinvested into the organization by way of rate reductions and directly benefit customers. We need to determine which office will remain open. Since a separate entity of the company manages facilities and all are owned the decision really comes down to a few details. Which facility can house a majority of the associates, can new talent be recruited in that community to sustain the growth, which facility is the most energy efficient, which facility needs the least amount of necessary upgrades, and where would a majority of our associates be willing to relocate to? This decision was relatively simple as the Central California office location was the newest facility and the only that was not a single level structure, is in a growing city that has an established university and the ability to add much more housing that will be required. An added benefit is that water expenses are minimized as the grounds are all hydrated with reclaimed well water. As a result of that decision the next decision is determining which office to close first. We will first close our West Lake and Costa Mesa offices as each is very costly to keep open and sit on prime freeway real-estate. When any transition involving associates is being planned, one must realize that there are numerous impacts both positive and negative. While the realization is there that we will lose very loyal, experienced, tenured associates we must also realize that we will also shed a significant expense. Employee compensation is our largest investment in the organization. With the loss of those associates and backfill with newer associates there will naturally be a savings component in conjunctions with that realization and change. Newer associates will have a lower base salary, fewer vacation benefits resulting in increased days producing at the office, and potentially an improved work ethic as they are very happy, not for a new job but the potential for a new career. Combined occupancy of the southern office locations were at a total of 70 percent capacity. For those associates there will be a few options. We will offer early retirement packages for those who are at retirement age. We will offer a relocation package to all employees who are willing to relocate and we will provide them with a weekend tour of the new facility and community to assist them with their decision. This package also includes a bonus if they were able to sale their house prior to the move. If not, State Farm will buy their house and sell it for them. The last office that will close will be our Northern California office. That will not happen for at least 3 years after the first two offices close in an effort to minimize work flow disruption and well as mitigate the loss of tenured employee capital. With the closing of the two offices, we will need to learn the number of employees that will be part of the transition and how many employees that will take the early retirement package and how many will quit State Farm all together. We will need to determine the work flow as well as how many new associates that need to be hired in the final location. Also being incorporated into the transition process is a new workflow distribution system along with a new specialized team concept approach to facilitate with training new associates to make each job responsibility less than what it currently is. Different associates are strong in certain areas and weaker in others so the thought is to capitalize on each of the strengths. The teams that we need to create should be the following. For example in our Auto Department, they will be going to the following. New business application issuance team consisting of both underwriters and assistants, added car application issuance teams, three processing/production teams, one rating/accounting team, three call center teams finally one training team and one quality review/improvement team. Our Personal Lines Fire team will be doing something very similar as well as our Business Lines Department. Our claims department will also go into smaller specialized teams. With these specialty teams in place it will help with the work flow as well as ensure that the work gets processed correctly an efficiently. Additionally, since our current underwriting assistant training program last a surprising three years due to the complexity of the job. With the specialty teams that will be in place the training will not need to be as long as the focus of each role will evolve to its new state. The new training program will last up to 15 to 18 months to get fully proficient with continuing development to refine complex skill sets in their respective specialty areas. The first year training will be focused on the basics and once the trainers get a feel for what the trainees strengths are after that year, the next 8 months will be focused on their area of specialization. By doing this, we will provide better and more accurate service to our policyholders and more time will be spent doing the work. When we get to the point of communicating to our employees we will be earing different remarks from them such as why us, why not the other office, what am I going to do and so on and so on. They’ll need information to make decisions about their and their family’s future (Van Camp, 2012). When we determine when we are going to tell them employees there are five key concepts that we need to remember when we are communicating to all employees. The news we will be providin g will be life changing for numerous amount of people and we will need to be prepared to handle a large amount of questions and backlash and personal feelings. What we need to do and focus on is providing regular, weekly e-mail blasts from leadership describing the changing events. Let employees know when major decisions are expected to be made; for example, communicate when benefit and personnel information will be released. Encourage dialogue between managers and their teams. If needed, have leadership step in and directly communicate with employees through town hall-style meetings and discussions. Create a channel for two-way open communication. For example, create a virtual suggestion box or a forum for discussion between employees and leadership. Posts can remain anonymous for employees at every level through the organization. If there is no information available or something has yet to be decided, let employees know that, but don’t keep them guessing. Employees who have to wonder about their futures are not engages in their jobs, and productivity and loyalty will be affected (Van Camp, 2012). When we go to the public with this information we will need to provide our plans in writing so that the media does not misconstrue any of our information. We do not want false information being provided and pushed out to the public. We already know that we are changing the lives of our employees but we will also be changing the communities. We also need to be prepared for questions such as what will this do to smaller area’s that depend on the business from State Farm associates, impact to the local housing market and loss of existing talent. For associates not wanting to continue with the company we will assist them with their resumes and interviewing skills in an effort to minimize their personal impacts of the transition. There will be numerous classes to assist with resumes and interviews as well as letter of recommendation from their supervisor to help them get another job. Finally we will have our operations managers from each office deliver the message of the closing of the offices. No one looks forward to addressing an angry audience, but you do have one major factor working in your favor: People definitely care about your message. As with an apprehensive audience, treat their emotions with respect and avoid humor. Prepare thoroughly so you can provide complete information in a calm, rational manner. Consider using the indirect approach to build support for your message while addressing points of concern along the way. Remain calm and don’t engage in emotional exchanges with the audience (Bovee Thill, 2012, p. 477). Our operations managers would be the perfect candidates that will be able to deliver this message so that they will be able to hear the compassion in their voice and to understand that this is not an easy move on anyone. We want to remain ahead of our competitors. We want to ensure that we are not one of those companies that will start having massive layoffs due to the decline of the business. State Farm has been around for 90 years and we want to be around for even more. By having a transitional committee, we will be able to affectively shut down 3 offices and move the work load and employees to one. We will be able to have specialized teams within all of the departments. We will drastically reduce cost which will allow our policyholders to have more rate decreases on their auto and homeowners policies. We will show compassion when delivering speaking to our associates and to the media. Last but not least we will keep everyone in the loop through emails and meetings with management so no one is left in the dark.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Effects of Society in Virginia Woolfs Mrs. Dalloway Essay
Society is a constant changing idea, whether that change be from region to region or a period of time. People move through it without thinking what they really are doing. Often they do not realize how much pressure society places on one’s being. It is the basis of how a person forms their opinions, beliefs, and morals. The structure of behavior rests in the society one is raised in. People’s acceptance of one another and a desire to conform create a world where people are struggling to fit in. Virginia Woolf sees this. Woolf views society as a center for conflict for the characters in her novel. They struggle with the internal dilemma of whether they should be who they want to be or what everyone else wants them to be. In the novel Mrs. Dalloway, Virginia Woolf uses stream of consciousness to demonstrate the pressures and effects of society on different characters in the 1920’s. Using both Clarissa Dalloway and Septimus Smith, Woolf reveals how two different realms of society, the upper class and the middle class, can place very similar pressures and produce very similar effects on the people who dwell within each. Presented as a dynamic character, Septimus Smith is shown as a once idealistic poet who crosses over into a world where his thoughts focus solely on the injustices of humanity. This is evident when Woolf describes him saying, â€Å"It was a case of complete breakdown- complete physical and nervous breakdown, with every symptom in an advanced stage.†(Woolf 144) War, in this novel, is shown as the life-altering element of Septimus’s life. This is because of a combination of the lost of his friend Evans and Septimus’s inability to mourn that loss. Evans was Septimus’s closest friend, and his death is al... for the main characters of the novel but for anyone who allows it to be. Sources Cited Blackstone, Bernard. Virginia Woolf: A Commentary. London: Hogarth Press, 1949. (An older but excellent essay.) Daiches, David. Virginia Woolf. New York: New Directions, 1963. Hafley,James. Glass Roof: Virginia Woolf as Novelist University of California Press, 1954 Hoff, Molly. Woolf's Mrs Dalloway. The Explicator; June 22, 2002. Web. 28 Aug. 2015. Jensen, Emily. "Clarissa Dalloway's Respectable Suicide." Virginia Woolf: A Feminist Slant. Ed. Jane Marcus. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1983. Kane, Julie. Varieties of Mystical Experience in the Writings of Virginia Woolf. Twentieth Century Literature Vol 41 Iss 4 1995. Woolf, Virginia. Mrs. Dalloway. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Inferior to Society Essay -- Character Analysis, Beneatha
Lorraine Hansberry depicts her character of Beneatha as being inferior to the rest of the human race through the use of the name â€Å"Beneatha†, depicting the hardships of African Americans. Hansberry accomplishes her depiction of the hardships through the use of discrimination, both stereotypical and racial, against the African American race and through the general inferiority of her character of Beneatha, in her play, A Raisin in the Sun. For instance, when Hansberry introduces the character of Beneatha, she illustrates that Beneatha is inferior to Ruth in physical appearance (35). Hansberry writes: "([Beneatha] is not as pretty as her sister-in-law)"(35). This passage illustrates the hardships of the African American race through the character of Beneatha, portraying the inferiority of Beneatha through the name Beneatha. This passage is significant because it shows Beneatha as inferior before she can even show her personality, therefore identifies her as inferior. Si nce she is labeled as inferior, society treats her in a childlike manner and she does not receive the same general rights and treatment as other members of society. When Beneatha enters the scene, she looks up at the ceiling, symbolizing her inferiority (46). Hansberry writes: â€Å"(Beneatha comes in brushing her hair and looking up to the ceiling, where the sound of a vacuum cleaner has started up)†(46). This passage depicts the general inferiority of Beneatha. This passage exhibits the fact that Beneatha is inferior to the rest of society. Although she is literally beneath the people on the floor above her, she is also figuratively below them. This passage is significant because it depicts the reality of the true superiority of society versus the character of... ...even looking up) In your heart of hearts you are much drunkard. BENEATHA: (To encourage WALTER, thoroughly caught uwith this side of him) OCOMOGOSAIY, FLAMING SPEAR! RUTH: (Having had enough, and embarrassed for the family) Beneatha, you got companyâ€â€what's the matter with you? Walter Lee Younger, get down off that table and stop acting like a fool. RUTH: He's had a little to drink†¦I don't know that her excuse is. GEORGE: Oh, don't be so proud of yourself, Bennieâ€â€just because you look eccentric.(78-80 In this passage, George tells Beneatha that she needs to stop being so obsessed with her heritage. This passage is significant because it illustrates Beneatha as a child by displaying her childlike obsession with her heritage. Beneatha is shown as being beneath other people and as a child through her fascination with her family origin.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Government Security Classifications Essay
In light of the growing controversy surrounding the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, the Republican Party is claiming that she used her personal email account to send classified information. The United States classification system is currently established by Executive Order 13526 and has three levels of classification – Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret. The lowest level of classification is Confidential. Confidential material is defined in Executive Order 13526 as, â€Å"Any information that would cause damage or be prejudicial to national security if it were made available.†A variety of markings are used for material that is not classified, but whose distribution is limited administratively such as, For Official Use Only (FOUO), or Sensitive but unclassified (SBU). Although these items are marked unclassified, they are not to be sent via personal email. No special investigation is needed at this level for the individual other than â€Å"a need to know basis.†The second highest classification is Secret. Secret material is defined in Executive Order 13526 as, â€Å"Any information that would cause ‘serious damage’ to national security if it were made public.†Most information that is classified is held at this level. In order to have a secret clearance, you must have an investigation into your back ground to ensure trustworthiness. This is usually conducted by a government agency. The highest level of classification is Top Secret. Top secret as defined in Executive Order 13526, â€Å"Shall be applied to information, unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause ‘exceptionally grave damage’ to the national security that the original classification authority is able to identify or describe.†It is believed that 1.4 million Americans have top secret clearances. Top secret clearances are usually given to specific individuals who pass a very stringent security background investigation. Individuals with this level of classification work at the top levels of our government. As you can see we have a government system in place to ensure that classified information is distributed accordingly throughout the government to protect national security. In regards to Mrs. Clinton, do you think that she broke the rules by using her personal email account? The jury is still out on that investigation.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Spine
Functional Goals following SCI - Basic SCI - Functional Goals for Specific Levels of Complete Injury Level Abilities Functional Goals C1-C3 C3-limited movement of head and neck Breathing: Depends on a ventilator for breathing. Communication: Talking is sometimes difficult, very limited or impossible. If ability to talk is limited, communication can be accomplished independently with a mouth stick and assistive technologies like a computer for speech or typing. Effective verbal communication allows the individual with SCI to direct caregivers in the person's daily activities, like bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, transferring as well as bladder and bowel management. Daily tasks: Assistive technology allows for independence in tasks such as turning pages, using a telephone and operating lights and appliances. Mobility: Can operate an electric wheelchair by using a head control, mouth stick, or chin control. A power tilt wheelchair also for independent pressure relief. C3-C4 Usually has head and neck control. Individuals at C4 level may shrug their shoulders Breathing: May initially require a ventilator for breathing, usually adjust to breathing full-time without ventilatory assistance. Communication: Normal. Daily tasks: With specialized equipment, some may have limited independence in feeding and independently operate an adjustable bed with an adapted controller. C5 Typically has head and neck control, can shrug shoulder and has shoulder control. Can bend his/her elbows and turn palm Daily tasks: Independence with eating, drinking, face washing, brushing of teeth, face shaving and hair care after assistance in setting up specialized equipment. Health care: Can manage their own health care by doing self-assist coughs and pressure reliefs by leaning forward or side -to-side. Mobility: May have strength to push a manual wheelchair for short distances over smooth surfaces. A power wheelchair with hand contr... Free Essays on Spine Free Essays on Spine Functional Goals following SCI - Basic SCI - Functional Goals for Specific Levels of Complete Injury Level Abilities Functional Goals C1-C3 C3-limited movement of head and neck Breathing: Depends on a ventilator for breathing. Communication: Talking is sometimes difficult, very limited or impossible. If ability to talk is limited, communication can be accomplished independently with a mouth stick and assistive technologies like a computer for speech or typing. Effective verbal communication allows the individual with SCI to direct caregivers in the person's daily activities, like bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, transferring as well as bladder and bowel management. Daily tasks: Assistive technology allows for independence in tasks such as turning pages, using a telephone and operating lights and appliances. Mobility: Can operate an electric wheelchair by using a head control, mouth stick, or chin control. A power tilt wheelchair also for independent pressure relief. C3-C4 Usually has head and neck control. Individuals at C4 level may shrug their shoulders Breathing: May initially require a ventilator for breathing, usually adjust to breathing full-time without ventilatory assistance. Communication: Normal. Daily tasks: With specialized equipment, some may have limited independence in feeding and independently operate an adjustable bed with an adapted controller. C5 Typically has head and neck control, can shrug shoulder and has shoulder control. Can bend his/her elbows and turn palm Daily tasks: Independence with eating, drinking, face washing, brushing of teeth, face shaving and hair care after assistance in setting up specialized equipment. Health care: Can manage their own health care by doing self-assist coughs and pressure reliefs by leaning forward or side -to-side. Mobility: May have strength to push a manual wheelchair for short distances over smooth surfaces. A power wheelchair with hand contr...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Italy during WWII essays
Italy during WWII essays During World War II, Italy became involved and would face fighting against a variety of people at first were allies with Germany, but later became part of the Allied Power, with Britain, the United States, Canada, etc. During this time, in Italy, the leader(Il Duce) was Benito Mussolini, which did not help because they later found that his intentions were not what they had thought previously. Later he was taken out of office abd murdered by the mob.Italy never truly became part of the war until the beaches of Sicily was invaded, in July of 1943.The Germans were in Italy which they would use to find against the Allies. After Allied victory in North Africa, the Allies decided to storm the beaches of Sicily. They attacked what they considered to be Italys underbelly, as a way to get to the mainland, and attack Germany. They attacked in July of 1943. None of the Italians were enthusiastic toward war and wanted to avoid it completely, but they fought right along sides the Germans to try to keep the Allies away from the mainland. This plan failed, the Germans lost around 12,000 people and the Italians killed or captured was about 145,000 people. This is their greatest loss in only one battle. On September 8, 1943, Italy signed a take-it-or-leave-it surrender to the Allies. On September 9th, 1943, the Allies attacked Italys mainland, as a way to try to confuse the Germans. The Germans and the Allies fought for nine days in this battle. The Germans were unable to hold back the Allied powers, but were willing to give up most of Italy. Now, as the fighting wore into the fall and winter, they realized there were going to be many problems they experienced. They had to deal with rain, snow, disease, famine, and among all things, death. A new outbreak of Gonorrhea had broken out, had prevented many soldiers from fighting, and many deaths. People would starve and die of malnourishment. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
A Cause for Concern
A Cause for Concern A Cause for Concern A Cause for Concern By Maeve Maddox It’s a cause for concern that many professional journalists and consultants of various kinds are muddling the idioms â€Å"a cause for concern†and â€Å"gives one pause†to create the meaningless hybrid â€Å"a pause for concern.†Here are some examples, taken from serious news and consulting sites: Why the Latest Economic Reports Should Give Pause for Concern Fewer high school grads in the Midwest give colleges pause for concern Dad’s snores give pause for concern Under the current version of the LEED building rating program (3.0), there are a few interesting wrinkles that should give pause for concern among owners, developers, contractors and subcontractors. the report also revealed some information that should give us pause for concern. The idiom a cause for concern means â€Å"a reason to feel anxiety.†Here are some examples of its correct use: Threatening Remarks by Swazi Prime Minister Cause for Concern Antibacterial household products: cause for concern  Recent market changes cause for concern The idiom gives one pause means â€Å"causes a person to stop and think more carefully about something.†Here are some examples in which this expression is used correctly: What does seem clear though is that when one considers the volume and duration of the government’s data gathering effort, it gives one pause. Theres something about communicating with those working to master basic English that gives one pause. It gives one pause to consider that those same forces of natural selection responsible for the diversity, abundance, and efficacy of life forms on this world are also operative on the biospheric, global scale. One happening in his news-purveying always stood forth sharply if laughably in memory, an additional item that gave him pause with regard to the strangeness of human destiny. The verb pause means, â€Å"to stop or interrupt an action.†Be sure to pause before writing the non-idiom â€Å"to give pause for concern.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Types of LanguageSelect vs. Selected20 Clipped Forms and Their Place (If Any) in Formal Writing
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Marketing Communications Exam Questions Assignment
Marketing Communications Exam Questions - Assignment Example Sophistication is a brand personality characteristic that displays the glamour of the consumer, while ruggedness measures the strength of the brand (Aaker, 1997:351). The brand personality allows consumers to identify emotionally with a product, while making the consumers respond to the brand with feelings and emotions. The brand personality framework provides for a different perspective of looking at a brand, through using a system of human characteristic to assess the product, such that the consumer is able to fully understand how they feel about a product, as opposed to the consumer looking at how the brand performs. In this respect, brand personality enables a consumer to express himself or herself through the brand (Aaker, 1997:3454). For example, any individual who chooses to wear a Nike truck suit and Nike branded racing shoes simply wants to express himself or herself as an athlete, and any individual who looks at such a person will simply see an athlete. The marketing communication managers can utilize the brand personality framework to connect with the target audience or the prospective customer by differentiating the brand that the managers are promoting from a range of brand categories, which will in turn act as a driver of consumer preference and usage (Aaker, 1997:350). Therefore, the marketing communication manager can use a brand that will relate to a consumers personality as the promotion bait, making the consumers go for the product, since by relating such a product with their personality, the brand will serve as a means of the consumer expressing themselves. For example, the marketing manager can target the Nike brand to customers who look beauty and physical-figure conscious, since probably they ar e used to jogging or working in the gym, thus the Nike brand would help identify the customers as athletes. The hierarchy of marcom effects model is relevant in moving a consumer from awareness to a loyal customer. This is because; it defines the six
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Risks Involved if the U.S. Withdrew From Iraq Essay
The Risks Involved if the U.S. Withdrew From Iraq - Essay Example This flawed justification has since been proven to be untrue as well. However, because of the occupation of Iraq, the international terrorist organization, Al Qaeda has grown in number, increased attacks worldwide and has infiltrated the borders of Iraq. The war was wrong on many fronts but withdrawing would be committing yet another wrong. Even those against the reasons the U.S. is occupying a sovereign nation admit that leaving would be a catastrophic mistake that would plunge the entire region into chaos. The invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq in 2003 was initiated and largely conducted by the United States in response to what it claimed was an attack on its soil by various agents operating from within these countries. These actions have been defended by the Bush administration as not only legal but morally necessary to protect U.S. citizens. Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden hoped the U.S. would timidly withdraw from the Middle East, but he appears to have been aware that an aggressive U.S. response to 9/11 was entirely possible. In that case, he had a Plan: Al-Qaeda hoped to draw the U.S. into a debilitating guerrilla war in Afghanistan and do to the U.S. military what they had earlier done to the Soviets. The U.S. cleverly outfoxed Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, using air power and local Afghan allies (the Northern Alliance) to destroy the Taliban without many American boots on the ground. However, the Bush administration then went on to invade Iraq for reasons still unclear, where Americans faced the kind of wearing guerrilla war they had avoided in Afghanistan (O’Brien, 2005). Bin Laden obtained his wealth as an inheritor of his family’s highly profitable construction business. He has used this capital to finance the infamous terrorist group initially formed in an attempt to force the U.S. to remove its military base in his home country of Saudi Arabia. Since that time the groups’ objectives have evolved and, because of the illegal occupation if Iraq, Al-Qaeda has succeeded in several of what are now its main goals.
Carl Roger's Theory of Personality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Carl Roger's Theory of Personality - Essay Example As explained by Rogers, human beings are endowed with an actualizing tendency that can enable them develop their capabilities and provide them with a sense of autonomy. On the other hand, self-actualizing tendency is considered to encompass such characteristics like motivation, needs or drives; as such, each individual has a responsibility to realize his or her potential. Rogers in his development of personality theory, does not recognize a deterministic nature associated with behaviorism or psychoanalysis, but maintains a focus on behavior being influenced by the conditions that individuals find themselves. In this sense, every individual is an expert of his or her own self (Wickman & Campbell, 2003). According to Rogers’s theory, individuals are endowed with a basic motive, which is self-actualization. In this regard, depending on the environment, it is possible for individuals to realize their potential. However, it is important to note that, individuals develop their potential in unique ways and in tandem to one’s personality. In the model developed by Rogers and related to personality, people are considered naturally good and creative. However, individuals can become self-destructive in the event that they develop a low self-concept and as such, it is important for individuals to develop in a state of congruence. This means that self-actualization is influenced by an individual’s ideal self-being in congruent with an individual’s self-image (actual behavior). As noted by Rogers, one is self-actualized when he or she becomes a fully functioning person and in most cases, the major determinant of self-actualization among individuals, is their childhoo d experience (Moon, 2007). During human growth and development, the â€Å"self†develops because of the interactions an individual has with other persons. Conversely,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Home Schooling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Home Schooling - Essay Example This essay approves that children who have gone through homeschooling have a high chance of suffering from social and religious extremism. This behavioral change makes it easy for extremist groups like terrorist organizations or gangs to recruit them. Home schooled children can potentially develop parallel societies whose standards do not fit in with the society. For example, atheists’ ideologies are always crossing paths with the rest of society. Most parents think that homeschooling is an effective way to save money, but it is not since they sacrifice the child`s education in the name of vacations and lavish lifestyles. Home schooled children also run the risk of sexual molestation. As parents sometimes leave their children with complete strangers, they may turn out to be pedophiles who prey on innocent children. These acts leave a permanent scar on the children, which may lead to depression and suicidal thoughts. An instance of the negatives of homeschooling is best illustrated as follows; there was a family in Atlanta, who decided to home school their six year old daughter since they did not believe in the state`s education system and curriculum. this report makes a conclusion that homeschooling should be abolished since its negative effects outweigh the positive ones. There is no basis of having a learning system that produces incompetent students who have no social skills. Children need to play and mingle together, and not be included in their parents` insecurities.
Movie Application with Interpersonal Communication Essay
Movie Application with Interpersonal Communication - Essay Example The story takes a turn when someone shoots the store clerk to death. Police officials come to the store in order to collect evidence. The murderers’ descriptions given by the witnesses accidentally match with the appearance of Bill and Stan. The police officials arrest both friends for the court prosecution. Bill’s mother sends an attorney, Vinny, to handle Bill’s case. Vinny, who has been shown as the cousin of Bill, takes the case and becomes the lawyer of Bill and Stan. â€Å"He has no courtroom experience, and indeed no experience at all except with a few personal injury cases†(Ebert, 1992). Vinny tries to deceive the judge by saying that he is a well-experienced lawyer whereas the judge doubts his qualification and experience. With all this drama and confusion, the story continues and ends with the dismissal of all charges against Bill and Stan. Interpersonal Conflicts Concepts Having described the plot of the movie, let us now discuss some interpers onal communication concepts in relationship with some specific behaviors found in the movie. The interpersonal communication concepts, which will be included in discussion, are legitimate power, harmful conflicts, and beneficial conflicts. Legitimate power is a form of power, which a person can exercise where needed. This power can be exercised in situations where communication leads to conflicts between people and the conflict does not seem to be resolving by any other means. Use of legitimate power is a successful way to resolve any kind of conflict. Having power is an ability to achieve some objectives whereas having legitimate power is the ability to influence others using some specific laws and regulations. Legitimate power is used in such cases where interpersonal communication is not able to resolve issues successfully because of some law related complexities (Floyd, 2008). In such cases, a person with legitimate power plays his/her role by providing a better solution towards the problem based on proper laws. We can also take example from the movie selected for discussion in this regard. In the movie, Vinny used his legitimate power to fight the case of his cousin who was not involved in the murder and was taken into custody based on wrong proofs. Had Vinny not exercised his legitimate power to call the local sheriff for testifying the allegation, the judge would have made a wrong judgment regarding Bill and Stan. Therefore, we can say that use of legitimate powers is very beneficial to resolve all sorts of conflicts. Another interpersonal communication concept described in the book is that conflicts can be harmful if not treated properly. Interpersonal communication conflicts can produce adverse effects on the involved parties if no proper actions are taken for the resolution of conflicts. In personal relationships, conflicts can put a very negative impact on the strength of relationships. Therefore, interpersonal communication conflicts and personal r elationship conflicts need to be managed very carefully because if conflicts persist for a long time, they can be very dangerous for the relationships. In the movie, which was selected for review, Vinny puts his frustration out on his fiancee, Lisa, by taunting her. This attitude of Vinny upsets Lisa and she gets out of the courtroom. This situation makes Vinny alone and he feels that he has not shown a good behavior towards Lisa. Therefore, he gets out of the room for a while and makes Lisa come into the room to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Home Schooling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Home Schooling - Essay Example This essay approves that children who have gone through homeschooling have a high chance of suffering from social and religious extremism. This behavioral change makes it easy for extremist groups like terrorist organizations or gangs to recruit them. Home schooled children can potentially develop parallel societies whose standards do not fit in with the society. For example, atheists’ ideologies are always crossing paths with the rest of society. Most parents think that homeschooling is an effective way to save money, but it is not since they sacrifice the child`s education in the name of vacations and lavish lifestyles. Home schooled children also run the risk of sexual molestation. As parents sometimes leave their children with complete strangers, they may turn out to be pedophiles who prey on innocent children. These acts leave a permanent scar on the children, which may lead to depression and suicidal thoughts. An instance of the negatives of homeschooling is best illustrated as follows; there was a family in Atlanta, who decided to home school their six year old daughter since they did not believe in the state`s education system and curriculum. this report makes a conclusion that homeschooling should be abolished since its negative effects outweigh the positive ones. There is no basis of having a learning system that produces incompetent students who have no social skills. Children need to play and mingle together, and not be included in their parents` insecurities.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Biology Research Paper on Galactosemia Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Biology on Galactosemia - Research Paper Example The malfunctioning enzyme There are three forms of galactosemia; these include galactose-1, uridyl 1, and classic galactosemia, which is the most severe and common form of galactosemia. The human body breaks down lactose into galactose and glucose and these sugars are used for energy. People with galactosemia have the malfunctioning of the enzyme known as GALT, which helps in breaking down galactose. Defects in the metabolism of galactose lead to the buildup of toxic chemicals in the body cells. Classic galactosemia, which is the most common form, is transmitted through an autosomal recessive patter. A child inherits one defective gene from each parent in order for them to contract this disorder. When a child inherits one mutated and one normal gene, he or she becomes a carrier (Thomas & David, 2011). A carrier has less than normal amount of GALT enzyme that is required in normal circumstances. However, they can be able to break down galactose, thus avoiding symptoms associated with the disease. Although this is the case, carriers have the capacity to pass on to their children the mutated gene. People suffering from galactosemia may entirely lack the GALT enzyme. The prevalence of galactosemia is 1 in every 20, 000 births. There is a likelihood of one out of four that a child will be born with the disease, especially in each pregnancy in a family where other members have suffered from the disease in the past. When an infant suffering from galactosemia takes milk, there is building up of galactose substances in the system of the infant. These substances may cause damage to the brain, eyes, kidneys, and liver. This means that people suffering from galactosemia cannot tolerate animal or human milk (Thomas & David, 2011). Symptoms of galactosemia The defects in the metabolism of galactose can lead to various symptoms, which include kidney failure, cataracts, mental retardation, enlarged liver, and poor growth. In most cases, the disease tends to occur in the first few days resulting from milk or breast formula ingestion. Patients with this disease may experience symptoms such as vomiting, jaundice, lack of weight gain, irritability, as well as diarrhea. In infants, the symptoms of the disease result from infection of the blood with the bacteria known as E. coli. Children may portray symptoms related to poor feeding habits, where they may refuse to take milk that contains a formula (Bosch et al, 2004). Another symptom of galactosemia includes convulsions, which entails the rapid shaking of the body uncontrollably. Galactosemia may also be accompanied by symptoms such as irritability in the patient, and especially children. They may become whiny, fussy, and fretful while suffering from the disease despite how much the parent tries to soothe them. Other symptoms of the disease include lethargy, tiredness, and drowsiness, as well as a feeling of lack of motivation and energy by the patient (Bosch et al, 2004). Diagnosis The diagnosis of galactose mia is done through blood tests, where the detection of the can be done by measuring the enzyme level in white blood cells, red blood cells, or in the liver. Patients affected by this disease lack enzyme activity; however, parents who may be carriers tend to have intermediate enzyme activity, which can be half the normal enzyme activity level. During the diagnosis of this disease, it is advisable not
What It’s Like to Be a Black Girl by Patricia Smith Essay Example for Free
What It’s Like to Be a Black Girl by Patricia Smith Essay Comparison of â€Å"What it’s like to be a black girl†and Country Lovers Many people don’t realize just how far back African American Literature dates back to, it really started back in the 18th century. These types of scripts have a tendency to concentrate on topics of racism, inner struggles, slavery, prejudice, and the quest of sovereignty as well as equality. The two well-known writers on this subject matter are Nadine Gordimer and Patricia Smith. During the course of this paper, actualities of the short story Country Lovers, by Nadine Gordimer and the poem, â€Å"What it’s Like to Be a Black Girl,†by Patricia Smith, will be associated and compared to each other in respects to form, style, and content. When reading this short story and poem, the reader will come to realize that both of the main characters are the protagonist black females, only because they both have to deal with judgement from others because of who they are based on their race or the color of their skin. In the short story entitled â€Å"Country Lovers†which was written by Nadine Gordimer in 1975†(Clugston, 2010), is about a prohibited love amongst a young black girl named Thebedi and a young white boy named Paulus Eysendyck. The two leading characters Paulus and Thebedi were raised up together since they were little children. The two of them frolicked together and consumed much of their juvenile days with one another. Time passed, they begin to mature, and they became detached from each other. As the two children became older, they realized that could not be seen in public together, for the reason of race and their family status in the community. During the course of this short story there are numerous dramaturgical effects. The first takes place when the narrator talks about Paulus going away to school â€Å"This usefully coincides with the age of twelve or thirteen; so that by the time early adolescence is reached, the black children are making along with the bodily changes common to all, an easy transition to adult forms of address, beginning to call their old playmates missus and baasie little master†(Clugston, 2010). Though, the connection formed among them as youngsters was still present, n either Paulus’ or Thebedi’s parents not once banned them from hanging out with one another, but there was constantly this silent awareness that they both recognized it to be immoral, since they constantly seemed to be disguise or fabricate the fact that they did spend a lot of time together. A sample of this is when Paulus arrived home from school and gave Thebedi a gift. â€Å"She told her father the missus had given them to her as a reward for some works she had done-it was true she sometimes was called to help out in the farmhouse. She told the girls in the kraal that she had a sweetheart nobody knew about, tat away, away on another farm, and they giggled, and teased, and admired her. There was a boy in the kraal called Njabulo who said he wished he could have brought her a belt and ear–rings†(Clugston, 2010). As the story continues the reader will see the damage of the loss of purity and prohibited love, as expressed here when Paulus takes notice of Thebedi as she splash in the water â€Å"The schoolgirls he went swimming with at dams or pools on neighboring farms wore bikinis but the sight of their dazzling bellies and thighs in the sunlight had never made him feel what he felt now when the girl came up the bank and sat beside him, the drops of water beading off her dark legs the only points of light in the earth–smelling deep shade. They were not afraid of one another, they had known one another always; he did with her what he had done that time in the storeroom at the wedding, and this time it was so lovely, so lovely, he was surprised . . . and she was surprised by it, tooâ€â€he could see in her dark face that was part of the shade, with her big dark eyes, shiny as soft water, watching him attentively: as she had when they used to huddle over their teams of mud oxen, as she had when he told her about detention weekends at school.†(Clugston, 2010). The reader gets a taste of how bad discrimination can be just before the end of this short story, when Paulus Eysendyck comes home from the veterinary college for the holiday season. This is when he discovers Thebedi had a baby. When he discovers information about the baby, he goes to Thebedi’s shed to see for himself if the information was true he was hearing. When he gets to the shed he gets a glimpse of the baby first hand â€Å"He struggled for a moment with a grimace of tears, anger, and self–pity. He said, You havent been near the house with it?’ (Clugston, 2010). By his antiphon after the discovery that the two of them produced a life for the period of their prohibited affair, demonstrates just how much he recognized, the fact that such thing would not be accepted within his society. As the story goes on Paulus comes back to the shed where Thebedi and the newborn lived; and it stated â€Å"She thought she heard small grunts from the hut, the kind of infant grunt that indicates a full stomach, a deep sleep. After a time, long or short she did not know, he came out and walked away with plodding stride (his fathers gait) out of sight, towards his fathers house†(Clugston, 2010). As the reader reads on the reader develops the understanding that Paulus murdered the newborn that day when he went back to Thebedi’s shed. â€Å"The baby was not fed during the night and although she kept telling Njabulo it was sleeping, he saw for himself in the morning that it wa s dead. He comforted her with words and caresses. She did not cry but simply sat, staring at the door†(Clugston, 2010). After interpretating this part of the story conveys to me that Paulus was actually fearful that the public would find out about the relationship between the two and tries to cover it up as if nothing ever happened between the two of them. Which show’s you how difficult life must have been back then with the racial discriminations. At the very end of this story the police had dug up the baby and brought charges against Paulus for murder. Thebedi up on the stand said â€Å"She cried hysterically in the witness box, saying yes, yes (the gilt hoop ear–rings swung in her ears), she saw the accused pouring liquid into the babys mouth. She said he had threatened to shoot her if she told anyone†(Clugston, 2010). Over a year had gone by when Thebedi returned to the court house; but this time she told the court that â€Å"she said she had not seen what t he white man did in the house†(Clugston, 2010). Because of her testimony â€Å"The verdict on the accused was not guilty(Clugston, 2010).
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Concept To The Contemporary Security Agenda Politics Essay
The Concept To The Contemporary Security Agenda Politics Essay Is the concept of human security, which is the most controversial and debated issue in international organizations since 1994, simply hot air, as seen by its critics? Or does it contribute to the concept of contemporary security agenda where the whole world is increasingly interconnected (Paris, 2001). This paper introduces to the international theories which can help understand human security better and the extent to which human security contributes the contemporary security agenda. There is no single definition of human security as human security goes beyond traditional notions of security to focus on such issues as development and respect for human rights. Definition of human security remains an open question. The simplest definition of security is absence of insecurity and threats (Shahrbanou, 2004 cited in McIntosh, Hunter, 2004: 139). In context, to have security is to have freedom from both fear of psychological, physical or sexual abuse and from want of food, employment and health. Human security therefore deals with the capacity to identify threats and to avoid them when possible. It means to help people cope with the insecurities resulting from wars, conflicts human rights, violations or massive underdevelopment (Owen, 2004: 15). The on-going debate of human security among its advocates is that there should be a shift of attention from a state centric to a human centric approach to security. That is, concern with the security of state orders should give way to concern with the security of the people who live within those borders (McDonald, 2002: 279). Traditionally, in state- centric or realist view security means protection of sovereignty and territorial integrity of states from external military threats, rather than the protection of individuals (Newman, 2010: 85). By contrast human centric or liberalist view places individuals at their main priority and proposes some essential conditions, for example adoption of universal human rights to ensure the protection of the people. Thus in 1970s and 1980s, people responding to the Middle East oil crisis and the growing awareness of environmental degradation, began to think of security in broader, non- military terms. After the end of the Cold War, many scholars st arted to see state- centric security as essentially in narrow terms (Hough, 2004).Thus the concept of human security developed which attempted to redefine and expand the meaning of security. However, it does not challenge the relevance of state- centric arguments in so far as these concern the protection of the state from external military violence and accept the state as the main provider of security. Some analysts still argue that external military threats are bigger than ever in the post-Cold War era as there is no balance of power which for years ensured state and individual security (Hough, 2004). However, even if these threats are bigger at the moment, they definitely are not the only threat to the lives of people all around the world. Issues like environmental degradation, diseases, and famines are also huge threats affecting people (Shahrbanou, 2005: 30). Constructivism is also one of the theories in international relations which can be adopted as way of interpreting human security. It provides a useful framework for understanding the true nature of issues relating to human security such as race, class, violence and gender (Conteh-Morgan, 2005 cited in Tsai, 2009: 28). Constructivism can be found to be more beneficial in approaching the concept of human security, in contrast to structural realism. Constructivism believes that language, customs, norms and culture can change the behaviours and interests of people living in that country. Unlike realism, which sees anarchy as the inescapable outcome of self-help, constructivism sees it as state created which can be changed by state intervention (Wendt, 1992 cited in Tsai, 2009: 24). Onuf stresses on language and the role that plays in constructing human beings, interests and principles. He considers language and rules as the fundamental norm of constructivism, and regards the human being as the first point of research and the hub of human security. In the contemporary world with the growing knowledge, language has become one of the key elements of building human security. Onuf also stated that people use language to interpret the rules and therefore it is the most important way of constructing a society (Onuf, 1989). For instance, the on-going interaction of human society has been eventually generated into international norms (Bedeski, 2007: 46). Peter J. Katzenstein also challenges the traditional realist theories of security by emphasising the norms and culture of constructivism as his main concern in solving the human security issue in international relations theories. He states that the concept of culture defines the state actors in the system and the intera ctive associations among actors and society. Katzenstein asserts that culture can be defined by looking at the social customs and laws of that society (Katzenstein 2005: 6). For example, Due to the lack of knowledge of internal factors within the Soviet Union, neo-realism and neo-liberalism failed to predict the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Thus culture can play a major role in influencing state actors, institutions and even respect for international law and human rights. More recently, analysts, following the United Nations Development Programmes (UNDP) 1994 Human Development Report and their notion of security as freedom from fear and want (Hough, 2004), have settled on the phrase human security to emphasise the people-centred aspect of these efforts. In 1994, Human Development Report (HDR) issued by the United Nations Development Programs (UNDP) presented a different philosophy about the integration of security issues and globalization. Thus, this report defined human security according to seven dimensions such as economic security, environmental security; personal, political, community, health, and food security .The report also adopted a people-centric security concept instead of the traditional state-centred concept (UNDP, 1994: 24-33). Realist would contend that the above list has clear military security implications. The report makes it clear that the real security protects individuals from threats such as disease, hunger, unemployment, politi cal oppression and environmental degradation (Tsai and Tan, 2007: 8-9). Due to the broadness of the concept, the human security includes both traditional and non-traditional elements of security (Paris, 2001: 88). On the contrary, to the critics, the concept and definition provided by UNDP is very broad. Gary King and Christopher Murray criticizes the overly broad and understanding of human security. By broad it means trying to include all the well-beings, which makes no sense. For example, the seven dimensions of human security defined by UNDP indicates a ray of dimensions centred on human-dignity, which are potentially interrelated and overlapped, and fails to provide a coherent construction with a single and integrated concept'(King Murray, 2002). For Roland Paris human security is nothing more than hot air. In his view those who support the concept of human security are the ones who want to keep the broadness and fuzziness of the concept just for their motive (Paris, 2001). Lincoln Chen has a similar opinion as well. In his view the concept is so wide and broad that it is difficult to make a choice which threat should be taken as first priority and which can be neglected (Chen Narasimhan , 2003). Deriving from the UNDPs interpretation of the human security concept and putting aside the differences between state-centric and human-centric positions for the moment, the meaning of human security is also contested by different schools of human security. The dispute over types of threats that should be included has divided advocates into the narrow and the broad schools. Mack, an advocate of narrow school, argues that threat of violence to people by the state or any other institution or a political actor is the proper focus for the concept of human security. On the other hand, Thakur a proponent of broad theory, asserts that human security is concerned with the protection of people from critical life-threatening dangers, regardless of whether the threat are rooted in anthropogenic activities or natural events, whether they lie within or outside states, and whether they are direct or definition of narrow school can be simplified as freedom from fear, similarly broad school can be de fined as freedom from fear but also from want which is also the focus of human development in UNDP Report (UNDP, 1993: 2). Japan promotes the human security idea of freedom from want whereas Norway, Canada and other members of the human security network promotes freedom from fear (Shinoda, 2007, Dedring, 2008 cited in Tsai, 2009).Thus Kofi Annan has pointed out the three pillars of this wider conception of human security, freedom from want, freedom from fear, and freedom to live in dignity. However, the differences between the two conceptions of human security can be exaggerated, as both perceive the individual as the main object of the security and stresses on safety from violence. Both of them even acknowledges the role of globalization and its changing nature of armed conflict that is generating new threats to human security, besides both calls for a rethinking of state sovereignty as an important part of promoting human security. Therefore, both the concepts overlap each other as here to a large extent. Seeking freedom from fear without addressing freedom from want would amount to addressing symptoms without the cause (Baylis, Smith, Owins, 2011: 483). With the on-going wars, conflicts and problems, human security also deals with issues like climatic change and environmental degradation as everything is interconnected with one another. Death caused by armed conflicts has declined in relation to other challenges to the safety of individual. Wars and violent conflict often leads to environmental degradation, economic disruption or levels of poverty. For example Vietnam War or the Gulf War in which Saddam Hussein burned Kuwaiti oil which ultimately led to air pollution and land degradation. Similarly, environmental problems also lead to wars and conflicts. Such as scarcity of resources in over populated countries like India, Pakistan leads to dispute. For example Indo- Pakistan dispute over the Wular Barrage. While no direct link can be found between terrorism and poverty, terrorists often exploit poverty and exclusion in order to tap into popular discontent -taking advantage of fragile states such as Somalia, or undemocratic regime s uch as Afghanistan in the 1990s, to plan violence'(UNDP 2005: 47). Poverty and lack of economic opportunity can also lead to terrorism. For example, Orissa in India is the perfect example of how poverty deprivation can trigger acts of terrorism, signifying how freedom from fear and freedom from want are intricately connected (Baylis, Smith, Owins, 2011: 486). In the contemporary world climatic change or natural disasters has also emerged as a human security agenda especially for the western countries. Potential disasters like global warming or tsunami pose a threat to individuals and societies around the world. Most scholars tend to view this challenge as a national security challenge rather than human security. However, climate change and natural disasters can be linked to human securities issues like state failure, food shortage, water crisis, which are genuine human security issues. Communicable disease like the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) which alarmed the whole world in 2003 became the main issue of concern in the human security agenda (Curley, Thomas, 2004: 18). Diseases can travel rapidly across borders. It has become a major global issue and no country can protect the human security of individuals and communities within its national borders on its own. Another issue which falls under human security is protection of wo men against violence, womens human rights, gender inequalities in control over resource or inequalities in power and decision making. Recent conflicts have shown women as victims of rape, sexual slavery and torture. Such violence against women is now recognised as a crime against humanity (Rehn, Sirleaf 2002 cited in Baylis, Smith, Owins, 2011: 488). The aspect of human security has become irresistible nowadays .It deals with so many issues and it is so broad that it includes almost all type of human securities even if it is criticised over and over again. Weather viewed as freedom from fear or freedom from want, the concept of human security has not replaced national security. The Human Development Report estimates the rich countries of the world spend more in the military budget than in contentious issues like HIV/AIDS. However, it reflects a number of developments that have constantly challenged the traditional view of security as the protection of states from military attack. It originally began as a rejection of orthodox notions of economic growth in favour of a broader notion of human development, but now has been reinforced by new security threats such as genocide in the Balkans and Africa (Baylis, Smith, Owins, 2011: 491). Human Security has grown into an important aspect in the contemporary security agenda. Responsibility to protect is an issue that supports human security and its three practical objectives, the responsibility to prevent, reach and rebuild. It was developed in the 2001 report The Responsibility to Protect which was produced by Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. The commission argued that the primary responsibility to protect their citizens is in the hands of the state. If a state is unable or unwilling to do so or if they deliberately terrify their citizen then this leads to the international responsibility to protect the citizens of that particular state through humanitarian intervention. Development of this agenda for human security through the Right to Protection agenda is a point of debate and some contention (Gottwald, 2012: 9). Humanitarian intervention to protect state sovereignty is one of the most important attribute of human security. The concept of humanitarian intervention was endorsed by the report of the UN Secretary Generals High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change. It was developed to help the state and its citizens from any threats external or internal. Despite the valuable articulation of such responsibility, Humanitarian intervention can always not be justified. An intervention can be manipulated and inevitably shaped by powerful actors. Skilled lawyers or diplomats can convince arguments, both for and against particular interventions, like they did in the case of Darfur (Bellamy 2010). Just by accepting the idea of human security and treating it positively, the state cannot be benefitted. They have to make certain effort to implement the human security concerns in its political practices (McDonald, 2002).Canadian government made the same move and exploited the state human security aspect. Canadas middle power status in the world system indicates that accepting the security theory of such agrees basically with its national interests. Based on the claims of Jockel and Sololsky, Canadas acceptance of the idea of human security altered the political nature of intervention. The Canadian government have continued to intervene in the name of human security anytime anywhere (Newman, 2001). As some scholars have already noted, there is risk in confusing the pursuit of human security concerns with the pursuit of traditional security concerns. NATO intervention in Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with as said was for the objective of preventing ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. However Ramesh Thakur argues that, it is still questionable that whether this intervention actually produced more damage than benefit (Thakur, 2002 cited in Glusac, 2010: 90).Noam Chomsky shares a similar view and sharply criticises the war against Yugoslavia. He believes that the bombing campaign only hastened the flow of refugees from Kosovo. The consequences of bombing campaign included the collateral damage in the form of refugees and long-term damage caused to the economy, which caused a creation of a state which ultimately became dependent on foreign aid. Multiple refuges, broken infrastructure, damage incurred by economy were the direct consequences of the bombing campaign (Chomsky, 1999: 81). Keeping this in mind, its difficult to say that the goal of human security was reached by this intervention. If we recall the seven dimension of human security that was pointed out in the Human Development Report, we can draw a conclusion that the bombing campaign has affected almost all of them, and surely not favourably. US invasion of Iraq can be another example of humanitarian intervention. Although US intentions for invasion were always unclear but when the post invasion period accelerated into the chaos the US raised the human security agenda as a justification for the war in Iraq, arguing that the US aim was to rescue the people of Iraq from the human insecurities caused by Saddam Hussein. However even USA did little to restore law and order through implementing pol justice procedure (Collins, 2007: 130). Therefore, if the goal of an intervention is to protect the human security and the avenue to achieve these goals are the same that affect the human security, then the question that should be asked here is whether we have chosen the wrong means. To conclude, Human security can be best understood under liberalists and constructivists theories. Realism therefore cannot be considered as the dominant theory of security. Human security has a long way to go before being universally accepted by everybody. The connections between wars, famines, disease, poverty and environmental degradation are still not understood by many, thus needs more clarification and explanation. Data from the Human Security Report Project shows there has been a remarkable decline in internal and global political violence since the mid-1990. If the world had to do without such aspect of human security, it would have been fairly difficult to deal the with the on-going security problems.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Silence and the Notion of the Commons :: essays research papers
The title of this essay â€Å"Silence and the Notion of the Commons†gives the same idea of people as programmable and unprogrammable similar to the idea seen in the Matrix. Whereas programmable people, who are the commons, are the people inside the matrix they are also known as the sheep, the people that believe in everything they are told. The unprogrammable people, who are the silence, are the people outside of the matrix. Ursula Franklin uses a variety of techniques in order for the audience to fully understand her message, and to inform them of the topics discussed in her essay, as is particularly apparent in paragraph 5 of her essay â€Å"Silence and the Notion of the Commons.†Franklin addresses her audience in first person in paragraph 3, â€Å"I would like to thank everyone involved in this conference, and the organizers in particular, for inviting me to deliver this talk. I am very obviously an outsider and wish to come to this group to talk about something that is central to all work that you people are doing.†Franklin addresses her audience personally. She speaks to them about something not necessarily of her interest but of the audience’s interest. Her audience is perhaps mature but may have some people that English may not be a language the understand, therefore by emphasizing very drastically on the important words in her essay by saying them frequently. It is a psychological tact that the more times you repeat a word the better the chance there is of the audience remembering it. In paragraph 4, Franklin uses repetition to emphasize sound and its sources. She uses â€Å"s†sounds throughout the whole passage to imbed the sounds into her audiences mind. The use of alliteration can first be seen in the title â€Å"Silence and the Notion of the Commons†, the sound that standout are the â€Å"S†sounds of Silence and in Commons. This idea is used in paragraph 4 by the repetition of sound and source that is then incorporated into soundscape and landscape. She also uses the phrase â€Å"mix sounds†which is ironic to the fact that she only uses the alliteration of the â€Å"s†sound in mix and in sounds. The use of alliteration also allows the audience to pay close attention to the important words. Another technique Franklin uses to maintain the audience’s attention is her sentence structure. She uses very long sentences throughout paragraph 4 and has 2 short sentences in the middle of the paragraph.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Pat Barkers Regeneration Essay -- Pat Barker Regeneration Essays
Pat Barker's Regeneration As Pat Barker’s ‘Regeneration’ is set in a mental hospital during World War I many aspects of the novel evaluate and discuss the psychological effects that the War has had on the patients. The novel explores the internal struggles of WWI soldiers and their attempts to overcome the trauma of war experiences. In ‘Strange Meeting’ a different approach to the war is addressed with much of the novel being set in the trenches and at the front line. The novel closely examines the relationship between two soldiers Barton and Hilliard and the extent of change caused by the war is a prominent theme throughout, showing clearly the emotional and physical changes the war has caused. Prior is an initially difficult patient who suffers from mutism, writing that he has ‘NO MORE WORDS’ when asked what he could remember from his time served in France. Barker’s use of block capital letters and short, blunt statements here leads us to at first believe that Prior is not only an uncooperative patient hindering a possible speedy recovery but also inwardly angry and agitated. Although Prior gives the staff at Craiglockhart a hard time, describing the night staff as ‘spies’, and with this sarcastic dismissive attitude is perhaps at first perceived as though he doesn’t want to get better we soon realise that he is simply a difficult character who actually really wants to recover and as fast as possible, ‘it isn’t fair to say I don’t want treatment’. He is one of the many soldiers from WWI who is torn between two desires. On the one hand, he wants to recover, enabling him to return to France as soon as possible, proving himself as a soldier as well as a man. However, he still has a selfish side th... ...Prior share a lot in common both having experiencing trench life and struggling with the brutal truths of war. They both create relationships with people throughout the novels and through Barton and Hilliard’s relationship and the relationships Prior shares with Sarah and Rivers we learn a lot about their characters and the difficulties soldiers experienced in talking about their experiences as there were so many people that ‘didn’t understand’. We see that although the physical scars can be healed quickly it is the emotional scars that do the most injury and ironically are the hardest to heal. Barker and Hill both portray this message about the war using a fragmented discontinuous style, which reflects the disjointed thought process of many of the soldiers. From both novels we are shown just how innocent those back at home are and how they really don’t.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Joint Problems Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Health And Social Care Essay
Patellofemoral articulation jobs are the most common overuse hurt of the lower appendage, and altered femoral or hep rotary motion may plays a major function in patellofemoral hurting Patellofemoral hurting syndrome ( PFPS ) is the 2nd most common musculoskeletal ailment presented to physical therapists ( Witvrouw et al, 1996. Hilyard, 1990 ) . Studies has shown Patello Femoral Pain Syndrome to be the most common individual diagnosing among smugglers and in athleticss medical specialty centres. Eleven per centum of musculoskeletal ailments in the office scenes are caused by anterior articulatio genus hurting ( which most normally consequences from PFPS, constitutes 16-25 % of all hurts in smugglers ) . The term PFPS is frequently used interchangeably with â€Å" anterior articulatio genus hurting †or â€Å" smuggler ‘s articulatio genus †. Patellofemoral hurting syndrome can be defined as retropatellar or peripatellar hurting ensuing from physical and biomechanical alterations in the patellofemoral articulation. It should be distinguished from chondromalacia, which is existent fraying and harm to the underlying patellar gristle. Patients with patellofemoral hurting syndrome have anterior articulatio genus hurting that typically occurs with activity and frequently worsens when they are falling stairss or hills. It can besides be exacerbated by activities such as go uping stepss, crouching, kneeling, drawn-out posing ( Doucette and Goble, 1992 ) . The oncoming of the symptom is normally insidious ( Arroll et al, 1997: Hilyard, 1990 ) . One or both articulatio genuss can be affected. Many factors are involved in complex interactions that influence the patellofemoral articulation and the exact aetiology and pathophysiology of PFPS is frequently puzzling ( Fulkerson and Hungerford, 1990 ; Finestone et Al, 1993 ) . Many theories have been proposed to explicate the etiology of the patellofemoral hurting. These include mechanical, muscular and over use theories. There is consensus that malalignment and maltracking of the kneecap are major characteristics of PFPS ( Maclntyre and Robertson,1992: Gerrard, 1989 ) . The patellar maltracking consequences in unnatural joint emphasis and subsequent articular gristle ware ( Powers: 1998 ) . Lateral trailing of the kneecap has been listed as a major subscriber to malalignment which consequences in unnatural joint compaction and later patellar hurting. It is normally theorized that maltracking is the consequence of vastus medialis ( VM ) weakening comparative to the vastus lateralis ( VL ) , ensuing in sidelong trailing of kneecap ( Mc Conell, 1986 ) . Weak hip muscular structure is besides thought to lend to unnatural trailing of kneecap. Ireland et Al found that adult females with PFPS are 26 % weaker hip abduction and 36 % weaker in hip internal rotary motion compared with healthy controls. Such failing may do an addition in both varus force vector at the articulatio genus a combination that may farther ease median trailing of kneecap. Lower appendage malalignment ( caused by abnormalcies such as an increased standing ‘Q ‘ angle, pes planus or subtalar pronation ) frequently has been implicated as a cause of PFPS. Most patients with PFPS respond favorably to conservative intercession. These include quadriceps beef uping, patellar tape, patellar brace, stretching, soft tissue mobilisation. With the most common intervention being quadriceps beef uping utilizing weight bearing and non weight bearing exercisings, weight bearing exercisings are more functional than non weight bearing exercisings because they require multijoint motion, easing a functional form of musculus enlisting and stimulate proprioceptors. In an attempt to supply immediate decrease to trouble, Mc Conell proposed utilizing tape to modify patellar orientation and normalise patellar trailing. When handling patients with patellofemoral hurting who demonstrate deficiency of control of hip abduction and external rotary motion during weight bearing activities such as walking and falling stepss, one end may to be to optimise musculus map to command these gestures, as such motion can ensue in knee varus, an addition in dynamic ‘Q ‘ angle and greater median forces moving on the kneecap. Hence, it would look sensible to endeavor for optimum map of hip muscular structure.1.2 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF THE STUDYDespite its prevalence, nevertheless the etiology and specific intervention of this hurting syndrome remain obscure and controversial. The premiss behind most intervention attacks is that Patellofemoral hurting syndromes is the consequence of malalignment and/or unnatural patellar trailing. Interventions are frequently focused locally and typically include quadriceps beef uping, patellar tape, patellar brace and soft tissue mobilisation. Based on the old researches, we theorized that the exercisings stressing neuromuscular control of both the quadriceps and hip median rotators may profit patients diagnosed with PFPS. Therefore, the intent of this survey was to look into the effects of hip median rotators and quadriceps beef uping plan in patients with patellofemoral hurting syndrome.Need AND SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY:Need of the survey:To cut down hurting To better scope of gesture To better functional activityAims:To find the effectivity of median rotator musle and quadriceps beef uping in patellofemoral hurting To find the effectivity of quadriceps beef uping in patellofemoral hurting To compare the effectivity of quadriceps beef uping and median rotator musculus beef uping exercising in patellofemoral hurting1.3 HYPOTHESISThe void hypothesis for this survey could be stated as â€Å" There Is No Significant Difference In Reduction Of Pain between the group having Hip Medial Rotator and Quadriceps Muscle Strengthening when compared with Quadriceps Muscle Strengthening entirely in Patients With Patellofemoral Pain †.REVIEW OF LITERATURECibulka MT, Threlkeld-Watkins J. , 2005 has reported that patellofemoral hurting is the commonest of all the overexploitation hurts of the lower limb. Major cause for this is considered to be altered femoral rotary motion. Powers CM. , 2003 has demonstrated that patellar maltracking and malalignment are the commonest triggering factors for kneecap femoral hurting. Mascal CL, Landel R, Powers C 2003 has concluded in their survey that musces of hip, bole and pelvic girdle are affected in patellofemoral hurting syndrome and hence intercessions directed towards these muscular structure should be included in the rehabilitation protocol. Bellamy N, Buchanan WW, Goldsmith CH, Campbell J, Stitt LW 1988 has published a survey on WOMAC graduated table reasoning that WOMAC is the most dependable and valid graduated table for measuring arthritis. Braten M, Terjesen T, Rossvoll I 1992 has demonstrated that ultrasound analysis of hip in anterior articulatio genus hurting reveals femoral rotary motion in most of the patients. i Sameer A.Dixit, M.D. , et al Management of patellofemoral hurting syndrome shown that physical therapy is effectual in handling PFPS. i La Brier K, O ‘ Neill D.B, Patellofemoral syndrome, current constructs. This survey indicate that patellofemoral hurting syndrome is normally treated cautiously, surveies indicate that 60 % to 89 % of articulatio genuss will react favorably to conservative intervention. The exercising plan include Iliotibial set, hamstring and gastrocnemius stretching, progressive opposition straight leg elevation and hip adduction beef uping performed 2 times/ twenty-four hours until symptoms subside and the 3 times /week, thenceforth. i Heintjes, Berger MY, Bierma- Zeinstra SM, Exercise therapy for patellofemoral hurting syndrome stated that the exercising therapy is more effectual in handling PFPS. There is strong grounds that unfastened and closed kinetic concatenation exercising are every bit effectual. i Hudson Z, Daruthy E. Iliotibial set stringency and patellofemoral hurting syndrome. A instance – control survey show that the topics showing with PFPS do hold a tighter ITB. i Fagan V, Delahunt E, Patellofemoral pain syndrome- a reappraisal of the associated neuromuscular shortages and current intervention options stated that â€Å" Physiotherapy intervention programmes look to be an efficacious method of bettering quads instability. i Power et, Al, ( 1997 ) , patient performed free walking, fast walking, go uping and falling walking with and without patellar taping. Taping determined patient ‘s hurting reduced ( VAS ) 50 % during exacerbating activity. i Ernst GP, Kawaguchi. J, Saliba E. Effect of Patellar Taping on articulatio genus dynamicss of patients with patellofemoral hurting syndrome, suggests that patellar taping compared with no tape may better the articulatio genus extensor minute and power during weight bearing activities such as sidelong measure – up exercising and perpendicular leap. i Cristina mare Nunes cabral, Amellia Pasqual Marques, Effect of a closed kinetic concatenation exercising protocol on patellofemoral syndrome rehabilitation. The consequences of T he study allow the suggestion that the proposed quadriceps femoris beef uping exercisings with ROM control should be prescribed for PFPS patients since they improve knee functional degree. i Avraham.F, Aviv.S et al. , The efficaciousness of intervention of different intercession plans for patellofemoral hurting syndrome. The survey with a sum of 30 back-to-back patients ( average age 35 old ages ) diagnosed with PFPS indiscriminately allocated into 3 groups. Group I – Conventional Rehabilitation plan included quadriceps beef uping and TENS, Group II- Hip oriented rehabilitation plan included stretching, hip external rotator strengthening and TENS. Group III-A combination of 2 plans. At terminal of test all groups show important betterment in VAS and PFJES ( P & lt ; 0.0001 ) ; these betterment did non vary significantly between the 3 groups. All the groups show a similar good consequence. i Tyler TF, Nicholas SJ, Mullaney MJ. The function of hip musculus map in the intervention of patellofemoral hurting syndrome. This survey concluded that betterments in hip flexure strength combined with increased iliotibial set and iliopsoas flexibleness were associated with first-class consequences in patients with patellofemoral hurting syndrome. i Harmonizing to Muir KR ( 1999 ) . a individual plan of place quadriceps can significantly better ego reported articulatio genus hurting and map. i Cheng GL et Al in their survey conducted for four hebdomads intervention period, concluded that both TENS and isometric groups had important decrease in articulatio genus hurting. i Sheila O ‘ Reilly made a survey on 192 work forces and adult females with articulatio genus hurting. They were enrolled in a plan consisting of isometric and isosmotic exercisings of the quadriceps or thigh, utilizing a opposition set and they had important lessening in hurting ( 22.5 % ) and betterment in physical map ( 17.4 % ) . She besides stated that beef uping musculuss around an creaky articulation could back up the joint and cut down hurting. i Lam PL, NG QY, Activation of the quadriceps musculus during semi crouching with different hip and knee place in patients with anterior articulatio genus hurting, the survey shows that there was comparatively more activation of vastus medialis oblique than vastus lateralis at 40A ° of semi knee bend with hip medially rotated by 30A ° . i Herrington L. AL – Sherhi.A, A controlled test of weight bearing versus non weight bearing exercisings for patellofemoral hurting. This survey demonstrates that both weight – bearing and non weight bearing exercisings can significantly better subjective and clinical results in patients with PFPS. i Ng GY, Cheng JM, The effects of patellar taping on hurting and neuromuscular public presentation in topics with patellofemoral hurting syndrome. This survey states that there was a important lessening in anterior articulatio genus hurting ( P & lt ; 0.001 ) and vastus medialis obliques to vastus lateralis activity ratio ( P – 0.05 ) during individual legged standing after patellar tape. i Mark overington, BHSc ( Physio ) , Damain Gooddard, BhSc ( Physio ) . , A Critical assessment and literature review on the consequence of patellar tape, is patellar taping effectual in the patellofemoral hurting syndrome? This critical analysis has shown that patellar taping lessenings pain in the short term, may be utile as an adjunct to physiotherapy in long term i T.K. Amell, J.P. Stothart, S. Kumar, The effectivity of functional pes orthoses as a intervention for patellofemoral emphasis syndrome: A clients position. The consequences shows that orthotic usage is believed to be effectual in commanding the symptoms of PFPS. i Michael T. Gross, PT. Ph.D. , Jody L. Foxworth, PT, MS, OCS, The Role of pes orthoses as an intercession for patellofemoral hurting. The mechanism for pes orthoses holding a positive consequence on hurting and map for these patients. i Dr. Robert Topp assessed the hurting, map, abilities, knee joint proprioception, pace features and quadriceps strength of 135 participants utilizing randomized isometric strength preparation group and a dynamic strength preparation group for 16 hebdomad regimen and concluded that regular strength preparation could detain the oncoming of this painful disease and demand for surgery i Van Berr et Al, ( 1999 ) found that aerophilic exercising was more effectual than opposition exercising in cut downing hurting. There was modest betterment in disablement degree for patients randomized to aerobic exercising. i Michelle C. Boilig, MS, ATC. , et al. , Outcomes of a weight bearing rehabilitation plan for patients diagnosed with patellofemoral hurting syndrome. Subjects diagnosed with PFPS responded favorably and rapidly to a curative exercising plan that incorporated quadriceps and his muscular structure strengthening. i Catherine L. Mascal PT, B.Sc. , Robert Landel, DPT, OSC, Christopher power, PT, Ph..D. Management of Patellofemoral hurting Targeting the Hip, Pelvis and Trunk Muscle map: instance study. This instance study present 2 patients with PFP who demonstrated unnatural kinematics at the hip and who respond favourably to an exercising plan specifically aiming to Hip, Pelvis and trunk muscular structure.3.MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY3.1 METHODOLOGY3.1.1.STUDY DesignThe survey was conducted in the format of experimental pre-test, station trial survey design.3.1.2STUDY SettingThe survey was conducted in the section of physical medical specialty and rehabilitation, Ramakrishna Hospital, Coimbatore-641044 under the supervising of usher incharge, College Of Physiotherapy, SRIPMS, Coimbatore.3.1.3SAMPLING20 Subject who fulfilled the undermentioned criterias were selected through simple random sampling and assigned to two groups of 10 each.CRITERIA FOR SAMPLE SELECTION.I ) Inclusion standardsi Age be tween 25-35 old ages i Both males and females i Unilateral patellofemoral hurting syndrome and median rotator musculus weekness. i Anterior or retropatellar articulatio genus hurting reported during at least two of the undermentioned activities: rise and falling step, skiping and running, crouching, kneeling, and prolonged posing. i Insidious oncoming of symptoms non related to injuries. i Pain with compaction of kneecap. i Pain on tactual exploration of patellar aspects.two ) Exclusion CriteriaSymptoms nowadays for less than two months No history of old articulatio genus hurting Metallic element implants Fleshiness Diabetess Peripheral vascular disease Self reported clinical grounds of other articulatio genus pathology. Such as intra articular pathology, peripatellar tendonitis or bursitis, fold, disruptions or subluxations etc. Current important hurt impacting other lower appendage articulations. Subjects with any of the above said conditions were excluded from survey.Procedure:1. Group A:Subjects were treated with Hip median rotator and quadriceps beef uping exercisings and stretching.2. Group B:Subjects were treated with lone quadriceps beef uping exercisings and stretching. Both group received the place programme of stretching and beef uping exercisings ( SEE APPENDIX – Four )STUDY DURATIONThis survey is proposed to be carried out for the period of 6 monthsTREATMENT DURATIONGroup A:5 sets of 12 repeats per twenty-four hours 3 yearss per hebdomad for 4 hebdomadsGroup B:5 sets of 12 repeats per twenty-four hours 3 yearss per hebdomad for 4 hebdomadsParametersSubjective hurting strength during activities of day-to-day life measured with ocular parallel graduated table ( VAS ) . Functional activities measured with western Lake Ontario andmcmaster universities osteoarthritis index ( womac )3.2MATERIALS USEDOrthopedic rating chart Thera set Strengthening sofa Inch tape3.3 Statistical ToolThe consequences of the survey were analysed utilizing independent ‘t ‘ trial T = S = = Mean difference of the first group = Mean difference of the 2nd group = Number of samples in first group = Number of samples in 2nd group S = Combined criterion divergenceTREATMENT TECHNIQUESExercise FOR PATELLOFEMORAL PAIN SYNDROMEStrengthening Exercises:1 ] Hip internal rotators beef upingthis exercising is performed with the patient standing in the exercising machine. Initially 5 sets of 12 repeats get downing with 9kg is done and later opposition is increased harmonizing to musculus weariness and hurting.2 ] Quadriceps Strengthening:A ] Isometricss: Position yourself as shown above. Keep your right leg straight for 10-20 seconds and so loosen up. Make the exercisings 5-10 times. B ] Straight Leg Raising: Position yourself as shown above. Raise your right leg several inches and keep it up for 5-10 seconds. Then lower your leg to the floor easy over a few seconds. Do the exercisings 5-10 times.3 ] Partial Knee bends:Stand with pess, shoulder width apart and toes somewhat turned out. Bend articulatio genuss from traveling in forepart toes. Squat every bit low as tolerable, intermission at lowest deepness and raise to get downing place. It can besides be done with back support on wall and with ball between 2 articulatio genuss.4 ] Step Up:Stand sideways with involved leg next to 3-6 †measure. Place involved pes on measure and easy raise organic structure weight with involved leg. Slowly lower organic structure back to get down place gently touching heel on land, so repetition by easy raising organic structure with involved leg. Repeat as by increasing repeat. Increase measure 2-3 †with repeat.Stretching Exercise1a ) Iliotibial Band Buttock Stretch: ( Right side ) .Position yourself as shown in the image. Writhe your bole to the right and utilize your left arm to â€Å" force †your right leg. You should experience the stretch in your right thigh. ( Hold the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds. Do the exercising 5 to 10 times ) .B ) Iliotibial Band Stretch: ( Left Side )Position yourself as shown below, with your right leg crossed in forepart of your left leg. Keep your custodies together and travel them toward the floor. You should experience a stretch in the outer portion of your left thigh. ( Hold the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds. Do the exercising 5 to 10 times. )2 ) . Hamstrings stretch:Liing in back and back uping thigh behind articulatio genus, easy straighten articulatio genus until a stretch is felt in the dorsum of the thigh. Keep it for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat it for 5 to 10 times. The thigh may besides be supported on a wall.3 ) Quadriceps Stretch:Position with one manus on the wall and the other on the pes of the side to be stretched and the articulatio genus is flexed. Keep it for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat it for 5 to 10 times. Can be performed with hip flexure and extension.4 ) Calf Stretch:Position against a wall with heel on the land to experience back of the leg stretch. Keep for 10 to 20 seconds. Do the exercisings 6 to 10 times.5 ) Hip And Buttock Stretch: ( Left Side )Position left over right leg and manus is placed over left articulatio genus draw the articulatio genus somewhat towards the patient while sitting up directly. Keep the place for 20 seconds and so rest for several seconds. Do the exercising for 6 times.6 ] Hip Adductor Stretch:Position in supine prevarication, with hip and articulatio genus flexure, and inquire the patient to kidnap the leg until the stretch felt. Keep it fo r 10-20 seconds, repetition it for 5-10 times.7 ] Hip external rotators Stretch:Gentle stretching of the hip in the way of median rotary motion is done with the patient in prone prevarication. Stretching is done with the hip in impersonal and knee flexed to 90 grade. The stretch force is held for 30 seconds and repeated for 3 times.4. DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSISGROUP – A ( VAS )S.NoPRE – TrialPOST -TESTDifference7 2 5 6 1 5 5 2 3 8 3 5 4 1 3 5 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 5 5 1 4 6 1 5 Mean 6.1 1.7 4.4GROUP – B ( VAS )S.NoPRE – TrialPOST -TESTDifference7 3 4 5 2 3 7 4 3 8 4 4 6 3 3 5 2 3 7 3 4 7 3 4 5 3 2 5 1 4 Mean 6.2 2.8 3.4VesselGroupMEAN VALUECALULATED â€Å" T †ValueTable â€Å" T †ValuePRE – TrialPOST -TESTSouth dakotaA 6.1 1.7 1.46 2.888 0.01 Bacillus 6.2 2.8 1.33GROUP – A ( WOMAC )S.NoPRE – TrialPOST -TESTDifference35 27 8 37 27 10 41 31 10 39 30 9 42 33 9 35 28 7 43 35 8 40 31 11 35 26 9 38 31 7Mean38.6 29.9 8.8GROUP – B ( WOMAC )S.NoPRE – TrialPOST -TESTDifference38 29 9 40 32 8 38 31 7 40 33 7 42 35 7 36 30 6 40 31 9 30 22 8 35 28 7 40 34 6Mean37.9 30.5 7.4WOMACGroupMEAN VALUECALWLATD â€Å" T †ValueTable â€Å" T †ValuePRE – TrialPOST -TESTSouth dakotaA38.6 29.9 1.32 2.606 0.05Bacillus37.9 30.5 1.07DiscussionThis survey was done to happen out the effectivity of hip median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping in patients with patello femoral hurting syndrome. Twenty patients who had PFPS for continuance of atleast two months participated in this survey. They were indiscriminately allocated to one of the two intervention groups. Group I received hep median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping plan and Group II received merely Knee quadriceps musculus beef uping plan. Patients were evaluated after two months of intervention and all patients completed the survey. The statistical analysis performed between Group I and Group II showed the undermentioned result. VAS mark showed the average betterment of 3.4 and 4.4 of hip median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping group severally. The statistical analysis performed between Group I and Group II showed the undermentioned result. WOMAC mark showed the average betterment of 7.4 and 8.8 of median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping group severally. The independent ‘t ‘ trial was performed to analyze the consequences. For VAS the deliberate ‘t ‘ value is 5.84 which is more than the table value of 2.101 in conformity to the degree of significance of 0.05, at 18 grades of freedom. The result is considered to be important prefering the rejection of void hypothesis. For WOMAC the calculated't ‘ value is 2.606 which is more than the table value 2.101. The result is considered to be important prefering the rejection of void hypothesis Therefore, â€Å" There is a important difference in decrease of hurting on utilizing hep median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping patients with PFPS. The consequences showed important decrease in hurting degree with both rehabilitation plan but the hip median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping showed greater diagnostic recovery than the knee quadriceps beef uping. Hence, based on the ‘t ‘ value, it is clear that there is a important difference between two beef uping programmes. A restriction of our survey is that merely one-sided patello fermoral hurting syndrome was taken for the survey.DecisionBased on the consequences of our survey, it is clear that hip median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping howed greater diagnostic recovery than the knee quadriceps beef uping plan entirely. This suggests that the implicit in cause of patellofemoral hurting in certain persons may non be restricted to the patellofemoral articulation. From this survey it is suggested that hip median rotator and quadriceps musculus strengthening is more good to patients with patellofemoral hurting syndrome. Since it is a clip edge survey, survey with the larger sample size and long term follow- up can be done in hereafter.
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